Historic Maine lodge to become retreat for injured veterans



By Nok-Noi Ricker

Members of the military wounded in combat, disabled veterans and their families soon will have a scenic retreat in central Maine where they can relax and recuperate.

The Maine Chance Lodge overlooking Long Pond in Rome, once owned by cosmetics pioneer Elizabeth Arden, was purchased Friday by the Travis Mills Foundation, a philanthropic organization for wounded veterans. The lodge, built in 1929, will be renovated to become a retreat for injured and disabled veterans, Christine Toriello, executive director of the foundation, said in a Tuesday news release.

“Upon completion of extensive rehabilitation, the property will become the nation’s first fully-accessible, ‘smart home’ facility dedicated to serving the recreational and reintegration needs of combat-wounded veteran families,” Toriello said.

“It’s in significant disrepair,” she said about the current state of the building, which was hire vetspurchased for $460,000 along with 17 acres. “It’s going to need to be completely rehabilitated.”

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