LePage, veterans tout plan to save military retirees $9.6 million in taxes


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By Mario Moretto

Proposals to tax nonprofits and eliminate state aid to local government have not been met warmly by many lawmakers, but another piece of Gov. Paul LePage’s budget plan — a tax exemption of military pensions — is poised to cruise easily through the Legislature.

LePage, flanked by about two dozen veterans on Tuesday in his Cabinet room, touted the proposal as an effort to attract military retirees to Maine, and with them their career experience and spending power.

Shortly thereafter, the plan received the endorsement of the Legislature’s bipartisan veterans caucus.

If the plan becomes law, about $9.6 million in state revenue would stay in the pockets of hire vetsabout 8,000 Maine veterans every year, according to Maine Revenue Service figures provided by the LePage administration.

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