Paws of War Urgent Plea to Save U.S. Soldiers’ Pets, Attempting One of Their Largest Rescues Ever

    Photo courtesy of Paws of War
    Photo courtesy of Paws of War

    Paws of War is known for helping to rescue the animals that U.S. military members discover and bond with while on deployment. It’s one of several things they do to help military members regularly. Now, they are attempting to pull off one of their largest pet rescue ever, and they are desperate for people in the community to back them up with support to ensure the mission is successful. The relocation mission involves 18 dogs and three cats adopted by U.S. Army National Guard members stationed in a remote area of Eastern Europe.

    “This rescue is really putting a strain on the organizations resources, but we can’t let these animals and these soldiers down,” says Robert Misseri, the co-founder of Paws of War. “It will take a lot of effort, time, and logistics, but we will do everything we can to make it happen.”

    This mission must be completed quickly because the remaining soldiers are leaving and returning to the states. They cannot bear to leave their best friends behind in an area where they know they will not survive the harsh conditions on their own. The soldiers reached out to Paws of War to see if they could help move them to the U.S., where they could live with the soldiers who adopted them.

    The complicated mission doesn’t only involve making the necessary travel arrangements and ensuring all paperwork is processed correctly. Still, the animals all need vaccines, veterinary care, and rehabilitation, which is costly. Paws of War is rushing to getting these animals safely to America and continue the process until all the animals have been safely and successfully brought to America to be with their soldiers.

    “I’m already back in the U.S. and worry about Peja not being here with me,” says U.S. Army Specialist Amelia. “I won’t feel better until she’s here with me and the other soldier’s sweet buddies are safely reunited. These pets helped us emotionally, and we have an amazing bond.”

    To see a video clip, visit

    Visit to make a donation to support Paws of War’s largest rescue mission ever.

    Paws of War also focuses on giving back to veterans in various ways. They have helped veterans with numerous issues, including suicide prevention, service and support dogs, companion cats and dogs, food insecurity, veterinary care, etc. Paws of War has a large loyal following of supporters and looks forward to working with new corporate sponsors to support these life-saving programs. To donate to help their mission, visit its site at


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