4 months in, Veterans Choice Program remains underused, officials say


Agency Delays $765 Million in Spending for U.S. Veterans' Care

By Wyatt Olson

The four-month old VA program that allows certain veterans to seek medical care from outside facilities has been vastly underused by eligible veterans, according to a VFW report issued Monday.

The report’s survey of veterans found that 80 percent of the 1,068 respondents who were interested in and eligible to receive outside medical care through the Veterans Choice Program had not been offered non-VA care.

Late last month Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., described the program as “shockingly underutilized,” with only about 30,000 veteran appointments made through the program in its first three months.hire vets

VA spokeswoman Linda West said the VA remains committed to providing veterans with the care that they have earned, where they want it and how they want it.

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