Oakville mayor apologizes for controversial comment on veterans’ work for Harper

NATIONAL POST STAFF PHOTO // OAKVILLE: Wednesday, October 8, 2008 - OAKVILLE - Oakville Mayor Rob Burton stands on a balcony overlooking the picturesque Oakville Harbour, Wednesday afternoon, October 8, 2008. For New Homes story by Shelly Sanders Greer. STAFF PHOTO BY: Aaron Lynett/National Post


PHOTO BY: Aaron Lynett

By  Sean Wetselaar

The mayor of Oakville came under fire Saturday for a controversial tweet, which critics say compares Canadian veterans working as private security to the paramilitary forces employed by Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

Rob Burton sent out the tweet, for which he has since apologized, on Friday, after he read a Canadian Press article, which described the Harper campaign’s use of private security on the campaign trail.

Harper is protected by his personal detail of Mounties, but the campaign has also hired private security staffed by veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces. “This goes too far,” Burton tweeted on Thursday, linking to the CP story. “Conservatives beef up campaign security with mercenaries.”hire vets

Labour Minister Lisa Raitt, the party’s candidate for Milton, weighed in on Burton’s original tweet. “‘Mercenaries?’ Maybe you meant ‘veterans?’ ” she tweeted.

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