American Legion project looks to aid Veterans Haven




Each year, the newly elected State Commander of the American Legion, Department of New Jersey selects a state-wide project to improve the lives of New Jersey’s veterans through programs and services that provide assistance, training and care.

State Commander Mike Babli, of Atco, has established a four-phased project to aid homeless veterans at Veterans Haven North and South, and the families of those being interred at the BG William C. Doyle Cemetery, Arneytown. The estimated cost of the project is $120,000. One hundred percent of every dollar donated is used for the project; none of the money is used for overhead, salaries or expenses.

The goal of the first two phases is to provide passenger vans for Veterans Haven North in Glen Gardner and Veterans Haven South in Winslow Township. The Veterans Haven facilities, operated by the state Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, offer a haven for homeless veterans.

The goal is to ensure that homeless veterans are treated and cared for in a dignified, hire vetscompassionate, and professional manner so as to reach an optimal level of independence, and aid them in re-acquiring the life skills and ability to live in the community while maintaining their self-sufficiency, dignity and honor.

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