Military Headline News: Marines Back to Vietnam? Base Closure, VA’s Legionnaires Woes


Military Headline News


* BRAC is back.

The Pentagon is pushing for another round of Base Realignment and Closure in fiscal 2014 to save money. Expect states and communities fight hard to keep their military installations.

The Pentagon faces budget cuts of at least $487 billion over the next decade.

* The Air Force is ready to use a massive new weapon designed to destroy deeply buried nuclear, biological or chemical sites.

Pentagon officials say the 30,000-pound, bunker-buster bomb could be used against Iran’s nuclear program.

* Corruption in booming in Afghanistan. Afghans paid $3.9 billion in bribes last year to public officials, according to the United Nations.
* Marines might be heading back to the jungles and highlands Vietnam. This time for training.

Marine Commandant James Amos said the move would be part of the U.S. military’s pivot toward Asia.

* VA officials in Pittsburgh are in hot water for not immediately reporting an outbreak of Legionnaires disease that killed five patients.

Rick Rogers, Military Headline News

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