Switching uniforms: Police departments hiring veterans



By Richard Liebson and Steve Lieberman

In his previous life, Collin Breen was used to giving orders as a Marine captain and helicopter pilot who flew 20 troop transport missions a month during deployments to Iraq in 2007 and 2009.

Now, he’s the lowest-ranking officer in the White Plains Police Department.

“A lot of things are familiar — it’s a toned-down version of what we’re used to in the military,” said the married father of two. “But there are definitely differences. When I was at the academy, we got to go home every day at 1600 (4 p.m.). In the military, they put you through hell all day and you don’t always get to go home. That’s one difference my wife really likes.”

While small-town politics in Sleepy Hollow appear to have prevented former Marine Greg hire vetsLobato from becoming a police officer in his hometown, Breen is one of several Lower Hudson Valley veterans who are finding second careers in local law enforcement.

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