Military Headline News: Unqualified Pentagon Cyber “Experts


Military Headline News


* The Pentagon needs to hire thousands of cyber specialists. But first it must whip into shape the staff it already has.

Experts say too many government cyber security workers are untrained and unqualified.

* In a related story, defense contractors are expanding into cyber space as the traditional military markets shrink.

Sales by top 100 western defense giants dropped 5 percent in 2011, while cyber-security spending remains strong.

* Aggressive recruiting by some for-profit colleges has caught the attention of the Minnesota attorney general.

Investigators are focusing on how schools target veterans and those with fat GI Bill benefits.

* China is eyeing the vast untapped riches of the South Pole.

The surging superpower has doubled its spending on research there in the past decade.

A treaty stops the U.S., China and other nations from exploiting Antarctic until 2048. But nothing stops countries from doing their legwork now.

Rick Rogers, Military Headline News.

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