Boise, Idaho – Today Bring Our Troops Home, a national organization of veterans of the Global War on Terror, praised the past performance of U.S. Senate candidate and ret. Marine Corps Officer Matthew Hoh and his support for the Defend the Guard Act.

Hoh is a fully disabled combat veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps where he served for ten years, including two combat deployments to Iraq and once to Afghanistan. He also served as a political officer with the U.S. State Department prior to his 2009 resignation out of disapproval for America’s continued participation in the war in Afghanistan. He is a senior fellow for the Center for International Policy.

Yesterday Hoh declared his candidacy for the Green Party nomination for North Carolina’s open U.S. Senate seat in the 2022 election.

In 2021 Matthew Hoh acted as an expert witness before the Texas House of Representatives Committee on Defense & Veterans’ Affairs and testified in favor of the Defend the Guard Act. If passed, this bill would prohibit the deployment of a state’s National Guard units into active combat without a formal declaration of war by Congress, as required by Article I Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. Versions of “Defend the Guard” will be introduced in over forty state legislatures in 2022.

“It’s been demonstrated very clearly our elected representatives in Washington DC are unwilling to fulfill their constitutional duties. This includes ensuring the men and women who step forward to defend, protect, and help their neighbors and communities by joining the National Guard are not deployed to these failed, counter-productive, and constitutionally unapproved wars,” Hoh argued before the House Committee on March 29, 2021. “These men and women are being abused and betrayed by this failure. I ask you all to do what our members of Congress in Washington DC will not do and pass the Defend the Guard Act. The men and women of the Guard deserve the same level of courage and integrity in their elected leaders that they demonstrate.”

You can watch Matthew Hoh’s entire testimony here.


“Matthew Hoh has undeniable credibility in his criticism of U.S. foreign policy and our participation in undeclared wars. He served exceptionally in combat, and for his service, he was injured and permanently disabled,” said Sgt. Dan McKnight, founder, and Chairman of Bring Our Troops Home.

McKnight served for thirteen years in the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Army, and Idaho National Guard including one combat deployment to Afghanistan from 2005 to 2007. He founded Bring Our Troops Home in 2019 to advocate for the majority of veterans who seek to end our endless wars in the Middle East and has been the key architect of the “Defend the Guard” movement.

“Hoh’s firsthand knowledge and experience have armored his belief that Congress has abdicated their responsibility and authority in matters of war. America cherishes our uniformed sons and daughters, yet we allow the rats in Washington DC to send them off to fight and die in absurd, illegal wars of choice. I applaud Matthew Hoh for taking his experience, knowledge, and can-do Marine spirit on a full-frontal assault of the Washington establishment,” concluded McKnight.

To schedule an interview with Sgt. Dan McKnight or other “Defend the Guard” spokesmen, contact Communications Director Hunter DeRensis at

For more information on “Defend the Guard” legislation, visit DefendTheGuard.US

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