Post-Final Debate Analysis with Gingrich, Giuliani, Eric Trump and Trump Jr.


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  1. In keeping with election-year tradition, the two US presidential candidates took a break from a harsh election season to engage in a light-hearted roast last night (Oct. 20).

    Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton appeared at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation dinner, which benefits Roman Catholic charities, at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York City.

    Inline image 4

    Below are the videos of the two candidates’s poking fun at each other: Enjoy!

    Gabrielle Perry: I loved every minute of it, I’ve never seen so many sweaty heads at a dinner party lol

    Me too!

    Donald Trump

    Hillary Clinton

  2. I’m censored everywhere else, so I might as well be on VT. MSM doesn’t like my logic.

    Isn’t it clear that Bill Clinton is a sex addict? Isn’t it easy enough to find out about his sexual escapades by a simple Google search, like sex junkets with Jeff Epstein….and that they are continuing. Now he’s accused of having a 12 year old with Jeff’s help.

    Isn’t it clear that Hilda hates these women…not the act of Bill philandering but that they have outed her hubby by coming forward?

    Now we see the same mud thrown at Trump…his sex addiction and affinity for attractive women. I don’t like the man or his over sized ego, but will he set himself up for blackmail and extortion by having extra-marital affairs (one or more). I hope not.

    So what will or can happen in the next four years. Democrats would like to project an image of Trump that is even worse than Bill…an entitled brat that takes sex as a perk of being a “star” and that women are viciously attacked rather than throwing themselves at him. Maybe they are right.

    But what I see is Bill Clinton CONTINUING his addiction. There are allegations of a 12 year old and that Bill is a frequent flyer to Jeff Epstein”s sex island. He lied under oath about it. He bold faced lied into a camera to you and I. And he’s apparently continuing, having bimbo’s at Hillary’s own home.

    Hillary is a vindictive woman and her hate boils in her soul for the philandering hubby…and his many sex partners. For either one of them, there is no indication that the zebra has shed it’s stripes.

    So that means we are being asked to elect a hate filled woman that has attacked all of Bills sex victims (or partners) and that she will be able to make rational decisions for the good of the USA. I can’t see it. Why would she not use her power to have him followed so that she has even MORE reason to fume and hate both him and his new partners. He’s not going to stop.

    There is no way that she can make rational decisions when she has her own marriage war going on. There is no way that her decisions can be in the US citizens best interest when her “personal self” is wrapped up in rejection by Bill and his wanderlust for other women…MANY of them. Think of Monica as bait, that Hilda helped arrange.

    On the other hand Trump has a beautiful wife that can keep the jerk happy. Otherwise he opens himself to blackmail, extortion and leverage. The walls have eyes and ears…any extramarital affair will take him down. If Trump allows himself to be compromised for a few minutes of sex…well…we don’t need him. But if not, he has some valuable experience to share.

    So do we want Hilda, the scorched earth, hate filled woman with a philandering hubby that will surely continue his addiction or Trump the ego jerk?

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