“Disabled American Veterans” organization looking for volunteers




A local organization that helps veterans now needs some help of its own. Disabled American Veterans helps veterans get to and from the VA hospital, but the organization needs more drivers.

Every day, hundreds of veterans make their way to the West Haven VA, but some are disabled and cannot drive. That’s where the organization Disabled American Veterans comes in.

“Our main focus here is to get transportation for vets that have no other way to get here. Without us they don’t get here,” said Don Davis, Disabled American Veterans.

Davis and his crew of drivers start off each day the same way, by putting the needs of less fortunate veterans, ahead of their own.hire vets

“Many don’t have spouses. The oldest veteran we pick up is is 102. We pick up a lot of guys in their 90s. They don’t have family anymore, they can’t drive. They’re very dependent on us,” said Davis

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