Tempe Veterans Court has 1st anniversary

(Photo: City of Tempe)

By Lucas Robbins

Five graduates of  Tempe’s Veterans Court saw their criminal charges dismissed Thursday morning when the program celebrated its  first anniversary at Tempe Municipal Court.

Dismissal of charges is an uncommon occurrence in the therapeutic court, which resolves cases involving veterans charged with misdemeanors through the use of education and prevention programs.

“It depends on the case and the charges they have against them. For example, DUI cases are very difficult to just
dismiss,” said Judge Pro Tem Gregg Maxon, who presides over Tempe Veterans Court. “But if somebody does things we ask them to do, does well in the program and does well in their treatment, they will do things to mitigate the charges so that it’s not as hire vetsintrusive on their life going forward.”

About 220 defendants have entered the program and more than 50 have graduated so far.

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