Backlog of veterans claims dips below 100,000 cases



By Leo Shane III

The number of backlogged veterans disability claims fell under 100,000 cases this weekend, a figure that officials with the Department of Veterans Affairs are hailing as proof that years of effort into modernizing their systems are paying dividends.

But VA officials Monday also indicated that they may never fully eliminate that backlog because doing so could unnecessarily rush some veterans’ claims through the system.

About 98,500 of the almost 363,000 pending claims in the Veterans Benefits Administration now are backlogged, defined as pending for more than 125 days. VA officials six years ago set a self-imposed deadline of getting that total down to zero by the end of 2015.

In a conference call with reporters Monday, VA Under Secretary for Benefits Allison Hickey hire vetscalled the drop below 100,000 cases “an historic milestone” and a level of processing achievement “that we have never experienced before.”

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