Veterans Affairs secretary to visit Alaska in August

Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald speaks at a news conference at the Veterans Affairs Department in Washington, Monday, Sept. 8, 2014. McDonald discussed his visits with VA facilities across the country and outline his priorities. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
(AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

By Tegan Hanlon

The nation’s top official for veterans affairs will travel to Alaska in August to attend the Alaska Native Health Board’s annual “Mega Meeting,” according to the Department of Veterans Affairs and health board.

Karina Petersen, Alaska communications director for Sen. Lisa Murkowski, said the Alaska congressional delegation received a courtesy travel notification this week about VA Secretary Robert McDonald’s visit, though she said she was told his schedule could change.

According to the travel notification, McDonald will meet with VA staff in Anchorage on Aug. 11 and attend the Alaska Native Health Board meeting. On Aug. 12, he will visit Point Hope and Kotzebue. The following day, he will host a stakeholder lunch at the Alaska VA Healthcare System and attend additional meetings, including a town hall, the notification said.hire vets

Alaska Public Media first reported McDonald’s visit to Alaska on Tuesday.

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