Businesses catering to veterans grow in San Bernardino County



By Grace Wong

Warzone Boxing Club’s owner Al Franco grew up in a household where his father, uncles and brothers were Marines, and he learned to appreciate their service.

So when there was a chance to be part of a San Bernardino County program that gives discounts on services and products to veterans, his Rancho Cucamonga business was a natural fit.

“These guys are very grateful to me and they shouldn’t be,” Franco said of his veteran customers. “All I’m doing is opening my doors to them. It shouldn’t be that big of a deal.”

It’s not, for a growing number of Inland Empire businesses, who are gladly doing what they can to help vets.

From local eateries to boxing gyms like Franco’s, honorably-discharged veterans can now get discounts from a growing number of businesses that are joining a program by the Veterans Affairs of San Bernardino County to give vets a break. All they have to do is present their veterans ID card.hire vets

It’s not an entirely new idea for Franco. Since 2002 veterans have been able come to his gym and train or work out for free. For active duty, the membership is free for them and their spouse.

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