911 False Flag – American Traitors & Mossad – Where are the Oath Keepers?


This is the updated version (as of December 2014) of my 911 production originally broadcast on The Peoples Voice in January 2014. It has additional footage and commentary, improved graphics and is a direct response to David Cameron’s ridiculous speech at the UN General Assembly in 2014.

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Ken is a former U.S. Marine who served in the 1991 Gulf War and subsequently spoke out about the use of depleted uranium as a "crime against humanity" and the US military using soldiers as "human guinea pigs" with experimental drugs that were directly linked to Gulf War syndrome. He is also a social entrepreneur utilizing direct action marine conservation, he is more widely known for leading the human shield action to Iraq and as a survivor of the Israeli attack on the MV Mavi Marmara in which he participated in "defending the ship" and "disarming two Israeli Commandos". On January 7, 2004, O'Keefe burned his US passport in protest of "American Imperialism" and called for US troops to immediately withdrawal from Iraq. He replaced his US passport with a "World Passport", subsequently proclaiming himself a "Citizen of the World" with “ultimate allegiance to my entire human family and to planet Earth." His is also legal citizen of Ireland and Palestine citizenship. Read Full O'Keefe Biography>>>


  1. BRAVO!Ken.

    Some really interesting and penetrating queries on the part of ​Ken O’Keefe​, and some deep and comprehensive observations by him.

    I agree with Ken, N​othing could be more effective in undermining this crime syndicate’s plans than widespread public knowledge that they were directly involved in 9/11.

    In general, however, ​I​ tend not to go into the details of 9/11 because ​I personally​ haven’t researched the subject well enough​.I ​am​ ​however ​familiar with the considerable evidence pointing to direct Israeli involvement​.

    I have communicated with Ken and we largely agree that the powers that be “operate through assets, sayanim and such that goes way beyond Mossad alone. Add that to the force-multiplying effect of a model that draws on fields within fields…within fields (of influences, relationships, etc.) and it’s difficult to overstate the scope and scale of power that can be exerted from the shadows, particularly after such a lengthy period of displacing facts with beliefs and/or with intermediaries between the populace and the facts required for making an informed choice. Read Guilt by Association, by Jeff Gates.” http://www.amazon.com/Guilt-Association-Deception-Self-Deceit-America/dp/098213150X

    Speaking of the FBI, Ken, are you familiar with some of the “inside” assistance given to the 9/11 hijackers​ with FBI’s knowledge?​

    Agent Butler cashed checks and paid rent for the two San Diego-based hijackers who piloted planes into the World Trade Center towers. The same Imam counseling Major Nidal Hassan (with FBI knowledge) before he was transferred to Fort Hood also counseled the San Diego-based hijackers—with FBI knowledge.

    As for Osama bin Laden? He was a nobody on the scene until he signed on as a G.W.H. Bush CIA asset back in the Russian/Afghan days and, if al Qaeda indeed exists at all, they exist as an asset of the CIA, and therefore operate under CIA auspices.

    Even dead, bin Laden serves as a good scapegoat for the 9-11 stunt, as well as any new ones for which they need a scapegoat and, as a general one-size-fits-all boogey-man whenever a boogey-man is needed.

    Old daddy Bush sure got his CIA’s money worth out of bin Laden, and is probably getting more mileage at a much lesser expense with him dead. ​

    ​I would go with Robin Cook as a testament…
    “The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US . . .” — Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook​. (?)

    This thing goes a hellova lot farther and deeper than any of us imagined and if or when the American public ever do find out exactly how widespread and powerful this system has become, a lot of us, will be even more deeply surprised.

    ​You may have read Dr. Alan Sabrosky’s excellent piece, “Treason, Betrayal and Deceit: The Road to 9/11 and Beyond,” in which he concludes, “only two intelligence agencies had the expertise, assets, access and political protection to execute 9/11 in the air and on the ground: our CIA and Israel’s Mossad. Only one had the incentive, using the ‘who benefits’ principle: Mossad.”

    Dr. Alan Sabrosky, A Marine Corps Vietnam veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U.S. Army War College. Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, and holder of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research, makes a compelling case for why and how he concluded Israel did it, in this exclusive interview, that must be watched by every American: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq2pGd9ViUM.

    Debbie Menon

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