Easter Exorcism



    Easter Exorcism

    … or  The Cleansing of the Temple

    … by  Cara St. Louis


    [Update – April 27, 2014:  A counter campaign has begun on these ITCCS folks and their efforts. It seems that having a straight up debat to refute what they are doing is not something attractive to them, which shows a weak hand on their part, or they are just putting someone up to front for them. We have added an update for Cara at the end of this original story.]


    I was sent this update today by Kevin Annett. It contains astonishing testimony. Meanwhile, in startling related news, a senior Vatican official initiated a back channel communication with the Court last week, in order to offer key evidence to the Prosecutor’s Office concerning its case against the chief defendants. The trial will now be in recess for two weeks.

    However, the most astonishing part is that he and some others fully intend to perform an exorcism directed toward the Vatican this Sunday — Easter. And, it isn’t the first time he’s done this. The first time was just a day or two prior to the “resignation” of Pope Benedict.


    Public Information Update from the Prosecutor’s Office of The International Common Law Court of Justice


    Bulletin No. 3: Thursday, April 17, 2014 – 10 PM GMT

    In the Matter of The People v. Bergoglio, Pachon, Welby and others charged with global child trafficking and ritual murder.


    The Court is adjourning for two weeks after the first round in the Prosecutor’s Case subsequent to disclosing the startling testimony of eight witnesses. Two of those witnesses have described their alleged rape and ritual torture by chief defendant, Jorge Bergoglio (alias “Pope Francis”) in 2009 and 2010.

    The Chief Prosecutor has established a link between the British, Dutch and Belgian royal families and the disappearances and killing of Mohawk children at the Church of England’s Brantford Indian Residential School in Canada. 

    Jesuit records are introduced as evidence detailing the so-called “Magisterial Privilege” decreeing papal involvement in “Ninth Circle” ritual murder of newborn children. The same records identify Joseph Ratzinger as a member of the “Knights of Darkness” S.S. sacrificial cult during World War II.

    1. ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett is scheduled to testify before the Court during its second round of sessions in early May to corroborate witnesses’ testimonies from his own work and experience.
    2. A prominent Vatican official initiates back channel communication with the Court and offers key evidence, as Magistrates consider extending closed Court sessions during May.
    3. The Court and its affiliates will issue an Easter Proclamation this Sunday, April 20, and endorse public actions at the Vatican and Catholic churches across the world. Rev. Kevin Annett will lead a public ceremony of “exorcism and replacement” at a prominent Catholic cathedral on that day.



    The Details:

    Following eight days of Court procedure and the commencement of the Citizen Prosecutor’s case against the three chief defendants, the first Common Law adjudication of evidence concerning global child trafficking has adjourned for two weeks, until 10 am GMT on Monday, May 5, 2014.

    Commencing on Tuesday, April 8, after an opening Court session the day before, the case by the Citizen Prosecutor’s Office presented evidence directly linking all three chief defendants with the planning and execution of child trafficking networks within the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, and with the practice and concealment of the ritual rape, torture and killing of children.

    Along with considerable documentation, the Prosecutor introduced notarized affidavit statements from eight eyewitnesses to these crimes, including videotaped interviews with two adolescent women who claim to have been tortured and raped by chief defendant Jorge Bergoglio, alias “Pope Francis,” during the spring of 2009 and 2010, at horrific cult functions connected to the “Ninth Circle” child sacrifice network.

    “Survivors of these rituals describe newborn babies being chopped to pieces on stone altars, and their remains were then consumed by the participants,” described the Chief Prosecutor to the Court.

    “The survivors, during the 1960’s period, were forced to rape and mutilate other children, and then cut their throats with ceremonial daggers. Former Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, Dutch Cardinal Alfrink, and Prince Bernhard were among the cult participants, according to these survivors. But significantly, the more recent incidents in 2009 and 2010 involved exactly the same kinds of ritualized murder of newborn infants in rural Holland and Belgium.”

    Other witnesses described their personal knowledge of efforts by the defendants to conceal the involvement of not only the Catholic and Anglican church, but the British, Belgian and Dutch royal families, in the ritual killing of Mohawk Indian children at the Brantford residential school in Ontario, Canada.

    These killings span over 70 years and include the period between 1942 and 1945, when exiled Dutch Queen Wilhemina and her family lived in Canada, and participated in Ninth Circle rituals at the Mohawk Indian school.

    Introduced documentation* indicates that, to assist and conceal such involvement of Dutch “royals” in these cult killings, the Canadian government and Privy Council Office in London granted “extra-territorial exemption” to the Dutch royals from all criminal, civil and military jurisdiction while in Canada.  (* Ref.: The Canada Gazette, Issue No. 232, December 26, 1942, Ottawa)

    Dutch and Belgian royal participants in the rape and killing of Mohawk children and newborns included Bilderberger founder, Crown Prince Bernhard, and King Hendrick, consort to Queen Wilhelmina of Holland.

    As part of the Prosecutor’s corroborating evidence, secret archives from the Jesuit Order were introduced into the Court record that describe in detail the so-called “Magisterial Privilege” compelling the participation of every new Pope in the Ninth Circle sacrifice of newborn children.

    The records suggest that the Ninth Circle was established by the Jesuits just prior to their staged “disbandment” in 1773 and their establishment three years later of the so-called Illuminati cult, although references are also made to organized child-sacrifice rituals at Catholic cathedrals in Rome as early as the year 1528.

    The Chief Prosecutor told the Court,

    “These archives clearly indicate a premeditated plan for centuries by the Jesuits to ritually murder kidnapped newborn babies and then consume their blood, born of a twisted notion of deriving spiritual power from the lifeblood of the innocent and thereby assuring the political stability of the Papacy in Rome. Every Pope was expected to and did in fact participate in these monstrous rituals. … These acts are not only genocidal, but systemic and institutionalized in nature, and indict the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuits as a whole, and every Pope since at least in the year, 1773.”

    The same collection of Jesuit archival records make reference to a child sacrificial cult known as The Knights of Darkness, established by the Nazi Waffen S.S. Division in 1933 with Jesuit backing. The archives identify former Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, as a member of the Knights and as an S.S. Chaplain’s assistant at the Ravensbruck concentration camp in Germany, where he participated in sacrificial rites using children transported to the camp or kidnapped from political prisoners.

    The latter practice was a common Jesuit undertaking in Spain, Argentina and other fascist regimes, and one implicating chief defendant Jorge Bergoglio while he was a priest, Bishop and front man for the military junta in Argentina during the 1970’s.

    ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett is scheduled to appear as a witness during the second session of the Court commencing Monday, May 5. Annett will provide thorough corroborating evidence and personal testimony to support the Prosecutor’s case and the evidence concerning the Brantford killings, gained over twenty years’ work with residential school survivors in Canada, including during his targeted persecution by church and state. (www.hiddennolonger.com)


    Meanwhile in related news, a senior Vatican official initiated a back channel communication with the Court last week in order to offer key evidence to the Prosecutor’s Office concerning its case against the chief defendants.

    The Vatican official has requested strict anonymity and security, prompting the Court Magistrates to consider extending the closed sessions of the Court during its next round in May.

    Finally, this Easter Sunday, April 20, the Court and its affiliates in twenty one countries will issue a Public Proclamation to be read at Catholic churches in Rome and dozens of other cities.

    Rev. Kevin Annett will lead a public ceremony of “Exorcism and Replacement” at a central Catholic facility on that day, and similar ceremonies will be held at the Vatican and at many other catholic churches. Details of the event will be posted this Sunday evening GMT at www.itccs.org.

    The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels.     17 April, 2014

    Editing:  Erica P. Wissinger


    Update:  April 27, 2014


    Concerning a new “black ops” sabotage and misinformation campaign based in Ireland, and directed against our work

    Issued by ITCCS Central and The International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ)

    Brussels, 26 April, 2014 – 3 pm GMT

    BE ADVISED that a catholic-funded Irish operative named John Deegan, who along with his wife goes by the internet name “Mary Hennessey” and utilizes an email entitled “[email protected]“, is currently engaged in a smear and misinformation campaign aimed at the most active and successful branches of the ITCCS and their affiliated common law courts. The Deegans are issuing false public statements in the name of ICLCJ and are fraudulently using and issuing our official logo in their own name, without our knowledge or permission.

    Deegan is a paid operative of Catholic Archbishop Dermot Martin and Martin’s subordinate, a Father Damien, both of whom are based at Pro Cathedral in Dublin.

    For over a year, with the assistance of his wife and at least one other agent of Archbishop Martin, Deegan has disseminated false and libelous attacks against Rev. Kevin Annett and his closest affiliates. Recently, Deegan has escalated these attacks by posing as a member of ICLCJ and creating a dummy common law court in Ireland to confuse our potential supporters and members of the genuine court.

    This week, posing as “Mary Hennessey”, Deegan and his wife wrote to Rhianne Mockridge, the main ICLCJ organizer in Coventry where our work has made important headway in confronting the local catholic church. “Mary” told Rhianne that a major ICLCJ organizer, Joshua Lemmens of Canada, had “broken” with the Coventry group and therefore could not be trusted. None of this is true, as Joshua confirmed today in an email to Rev. Kevin Annett.

    Also, “Mary” claims to be working with the network of ITCCS-allied clergy group in Ireland known as Not in Our Name (NoN), which has called for the catholic church in Ireland to break away from Rome and prosecute its in-house child rapists. Yet the NoN executive, which liases regularly and directly with Rev. Kevin Annett, informed Kevin today that they have no knowledge of or contact with a “Mary Hennessey”. Yet “Mary” claims to speak in the name of a “Father” Ciaran Ui Niall, which is an erroneous claim, since the real Ciaran Ui Niall (a pseudonym, for security reasons) is not a catholic clergyman at all but a Protestant, and therefore does not carry the title “father”.

    Despite such clear and obvious lies by the Deegans / “Mary Hennessey”, they have continued to write to ITCCS affiliates in other countries with the same smears against Kevin Annett and Joshua Lemmens, and have even tried such divide and conquer methods within Rev. Annett’s congregational community in America, the Covenanted Congregationalists, according to Rick Hidalgo, a Congregational elder.

    We understand that “Mary Hennessey” – that is,  the Deegans – will be issuing a “press release” soon designed to create further confusion and division in our ranks, and to try to discredit Rev. Annett and our genuine common law courts in the eyes of the world. We therefore urge all people to not only ignore these lies by the Deegans, but understand that they originate within the roman catholic hierarchy in Ireland and possibly Rome, and specifically from the office of Archbishop Dermot Martin, who is actively engaged in protecting child raping priests across Ireland and smearing those who are exposing his crime.

    We are hardly surprised that these new attacks are coming exactly when our Court is criminally prosecuting “Pope Francis”, Jorge Bergoglio, and others for child trafficking and murder. These attacks are meant to distract the world from the hard evidence of these crimes. But no amount of lies and deception from a Jesuit-run child murdering “church” will prevent the historic collapse of the Church of Rome, especially in the light of its spiritual and legal annulment by our movement last Easter Sunday.

    Let everyone stand now in the light of truth, and help shut the mouths of church-paid liars and character assassins, in Ireland and everywhere. Stay focused on the real issue: the ongoing murder and violation of our children by the Roman Catholic Church and its agents.

    Issued 26 April by the Central Executive of the ITCCS in conjunction with the Public Information Agency of the International Common Law Court of Justice


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    Cara St.Louis hails from the Four Corners region of the American Southwest where the individualist spirit is rooted in both its rugged landscape and magnificent vistas. She raised three children, became a nurse, a teacher, wrote novels, screenplays and a slew of articles along the way. Currently, her interests are firmly located in the esoteric realm, sovereign status for the individual, and exposing the realm of plasma and aerosol war and transhumanism. She writes and lectures extensively on the same. VT's independence and eclectic band of writers has drawn her here where we will offer good earth, fresh water and clean air to continue growing.

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