Verizon Defends Pimping Child Porn


    Verizon Defends Pimping Child Porn

    … by Cara St. Louis


    Will common sense prevail?
    Will common sense prevail?

    Telecommunications company Verizon is, thankfully, feeling the heat over its decision to provide hard-core porn titles with child and incest themes. Morality in Media (MIM), a national organization that opposes pornography included Verizon in its 2014 Dirty Dozen List of pornography’s leading facilitators.

    There are always, in the United States, questions of First Principles — the First Amendment is an all or nothing proposition, after all.  We have to get that through our heads again.

    However, if we are talking about creating and/or promoting either the act of having sex with a child or glamorizing the act of incest in some way, that is a different ball game altogether.  The question is can we stand up for the first amendment and our children at the same time? Of course, we can.

    It is a fact that there are groups now trying to “normalize” one of the single most damaging, tragic and brutal acts that can be wrought upon a child and that is being placed in a situation in which that child is coerced into having sex with an adult.  There is no such thing as informed consent when it comes to a child.

    Their brains aren’t capable of weighing and making a decision like that.  The neurology itself isn’t even mature enough to be activated yet that enables that kind of thinking!  So this simply doesn’t fall under the protective umbrella of free speech.  It must be taken off the air.  Verizon, if they are, in fact, providing this kind of material to the public even via a pay-per-view method, should be brought to justice over this.

    “According to MIM, lewd titles like “I Banged My Stepdad,” “Mom, Daughter and Me,” and “Pigtail Teens Pounded” are just some of the many offerings featured on Verizon’s FIOS video on-demand service.”

    According to an article by Holly McKay and published on Fox News, “Verizon’s Associate Director for Advertising and Content Standards John P. Artney defended the company’s choice to provide the content, noting that ‘consumers today have extraordinary choice in and control over the content available to them across these networks.'”

    No. This is not about choice. Choice implies neutrality. These are not cabbages. These are not melons. These are not adults!  There’s nothing neutral about brutalizing children or promoting incest and glamorizing it.  I believe the selling of that sort of thing is a kind of Pimping, isn’t it?

    The quote continues, “The explosion in choice is a tremendous benefit to consumers, but not all consumers want to have access to all content for themselves and their families all of the time,” wrote Artney. “Not all content is desirable to or appropriate for all consumers, however, and Verizon is proud to provide our customers with myriad tools to control the types of content that they and their families have access to through our service.”

    Patrick Trueman, President and CEO of Morality in Media, was quoted as saying, “Verizon needs to show some corporate responsibility. America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography and that harm falls particularly hard on children,” he told FOX411.

    “We are coordinating with the members of our coalition, numbering 146 groups across the U. S., to alert the public to Verizon’s pornography distribution. We have notified the board of Verizon through letters of our position on Verizon’s distribution of pornography. We will publish responses from the board and will continue to press and shame the board if no action is taken.”

    Ari Zoldan, CEO of digital communications company Quantum Networks, added that “as Americans we believe in freedom of speech, but we also believe in protection of our children’s welfare and well-being first and foremost.”

    But Leo Terrell, of, says Verizon is simply acting like a business.  “Verizon is handling this matter appropriately for its shareholders because it is making them a lot of money,” Terrell said.

    Okay, so we have established that this is, in fact, PIMPING. If we say it’s just business, and apply that sour and smelly label to it, Business Ethics, then it’s fine. All is well. Nothing to see here. Its just business.

    According to Fox News, which I realize is a dubious news source most of the time, Verizon did not respond to a request for further comment.  Maybe Fox News has it out for Verizon and so is blowing this particular whistle. I care not as long as this whistle gets blown.

    Editing:  Erica P. Wissinger


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    Cara St.Louis hails from the Four Corners region of the American Southwest where the individualist spirit is rooted in both its rugged landscape and magnificent vistas. She raised three children, became a nurse, a teacher, wrote novels, screenplays and a slew of articles along the way. Currently, her interests are firmly located in the esoteric realm, sovereign status for the individual, and exposing the realm of plasma and aerosol war and transhumanism. She writes and lectures extensively on the same. VT's independence and eclectic band of writers has drawn her here where we will offer good earth, fresh water and clean air to continue growing.

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