Forgotten veterans from AZ buried with full honors

Military personnel holding a folded US flag.

Military personnel holding a folded US flag.


Forty-two forgotten Arizona veterans are finally getting the proper burials they deserve.

The Missing in America Project arranged a motorcade and hosted a special ceremony at the National Memorial Cemetery in North Phoenix Wednesday.

A motorcycle hearse surrounded by large American flags led the way with dozens of veterans on motorcycles following.

The mission of the Missing in America Project is to make sure no veteran is forgotten and “[t]o provide honor and respect to those who have served this country by securing a final resting place for these forgotten heroes.”

“It’s very powerful to be here with them among the rest of the champions of freedom,” Missing in America Project hire vetsvolunteer Duane Avey said. “It means a lot to finally get the respect and honor that they deserve.”

Veterans buried during Wednesday’s ceremony served in wars from 1937 and the end of the Vietnam War.

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