Veterans mark Day of Infamy

Bugler Alan Nieuwsma performs for a brief ceremony honoring Pearl Harbor veterans Sunday. Grand Forks Herald photo by Jennifer Johnson

Bugler Alan Nieuwsma performs for a brief ceremony honoring Pearl Harbor veterans Sunday. Grand Forks Herald photo by Jennifer Johnson

By Jennifer Johnson

A small group of Grand Forks veterans gathered Sunday to recognize a dark day in U.S. history said to “live in infamy.”

For the first time, members of Grand Forks Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1874 and Post Auxiliary held a small ceremony commemorating the attack on Pearl Harbor, one day before its anniversary.

Veterans Day and Memorial Day honor veterans, but there’s no federal holiday for veterans of Pearl Harbor, and people forget about it, said John Hanson, state chairman for the VFW National Legislative Committee.

“It’s one of those things we’ve never done but always wanted to do,” he said.

Several VFW members in Grand Forks have a direct connection to Pearl Harbor, whether it’s through friends, family members or acquaintances, he said.hire vets

Hanson and others wanted to honor those who were attacked on Dec. 7, 1941. The surprise military strike, launched by the Japanese on the U.S. naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, led to the United States’ involvement in World War II.

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