Homeless veterans find a safe haven with Passageways




Army veteran Bobby Rico said he has experienced both.

After serving for four years – including 18 months in Iraq, he said – Rico returned to the United States and worked in the oil fields of Oklahoma. The company began to falter, he said, so his workweek was reduced to two hours.

He couldn’t pay his rent, and his landlord evicted him.

Enter Passageways, a faith-based nonprofit that provides homeless and near homeless veterans with a temporary safe haven – at no cost – in an effort to get them reintegrated into the community.

“There’s this misnomer that these guys come home and everything’s hunky-dory,” said Susanhire vets Moellinger, one of Passageways’ founders.

The group, which started in January, operates out of a house in west Wichita.

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