Information fair attracts dozens of veterans



By John W. Barry

Military veterans should register with the Dutchess County Division of Veterans Services because they may learn about benefits and other services they are eligible to receive.

And once they register with the county, veterans who received an honorable discharge and qualify can receive a Favor card, which provides discounts at local businesses for those who served in the military.

Those were two messages that Nelson Eddy Rivera, director of the county Division of Veterans Services, and Dutchess County Clerk Brad Kendall had for veterans on Saturday during an information fair.

The event at the federal Veterans Administration Hudson Valley Health Care System clinic in LaGrange ran from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and attracted 40 veterans by noon. The event offered information on a range of items, including health care and services for women who served in the military.

The county’s veterans office got high marks from Navy veteran Steve Mac Nish, who attended Saturday’s event.

“They’ve kept me posted on all kinds of things that are veteran-related,” Mac Nish said.

And he has already obtained his Favor card.

“I think it’s great, I really do,” he said. “I think it’s a great way to reward the veterans for the time they put in.”hire vets

While Rivera’s office oversees veteran services, the Favor card is part of the Return the Favor program, which is run by Kendall’s office. The program started four years ago in Rockland County and now has a foothold statewide. Kendall said more than 3,000 veterans have obtained Favor cards. Dutchess County is home to 20,000 veterans.

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