Government Siege and National Rape


Ā BATR Editorial on the State of the Nation

. . . byĀ  Sartre

(Editor’s note:Ā  Just an opinion, but I find the economic assumptions voiced here unsupportable as the primary opponents of “Obamacare” are insurance industry criminals who would be put under strict regulations.Ā  How does someone fail to notice that the insurance lobby is running the Tea Party? The article below is utterly bereft of anything but mindless prattle from right wing neocon emails. However, text is unedited and free to read: g)


District of Criminals at War with America
District of Criminals at War with America

All Americans share the shame of the charade that pretends to be the Federal Government. The governance class operates in a manner that thinks the voice of the people is irrelevant. The current shutdown of public services is a selected con game run by ā€œFederaliesā€ thugs.

This latest extortion racket intends to break the spirit of reform and sensible opposition. The crony capitalist takeover of the health care system only benefits the corporatists.

The insurance companies stand to reap tribute from the masses, while the special interest friends of the Obama syndicate get exemptions. Make no mistake, the den of thieves that defend Obamacare, as the ā€œlaw of the landā€ is a herd of habitual liars.

The Democrats prove their symbol, the ass, is more stubborn than usual. The Senate refusal to conference with the House and observe the constitutional duties of Congress means that Senator Harry Reid and his cohorts own this shutdown.

Barack Hussein Obama is busy campaigning and lecturing the recalcitrant Republican House members for not capitulating to his dictates. The hordes of zombie groups that luv Barry Soetoro still have not figured out that the promised free health care has a zinger of a cost.

The Republicans Senators, who just sit on their hands as Dingy Harry trashes and lies from the well of the chamber floor, refuses to react to Reidā€™s mea culpa, ā€œsaying he and his colleagues have simply gotten too personal and nasty in their floor debates.ā€ The long silence of most GOP RINOā€™s is taken as implied consent, has the beleaguered public frustrated and confused.

What is at stake is the total enslavement of the populace. This confrontation is not over Obamacare alone. No, it has more to do with the very nature of the representative government. Democratic principles are not synonymous with mob rule.

However, when the entrenched Senators in safe districts refuse to pass a budget and demand that continued resolutions must keep funding unnecessary programs, you get an imperial government.

When will the Senate pass a budget?
When will the Senate pass a budget?

Speaker John A. Boehner makes a sensible argument.

FACT: Senate Democrats havenā€™t passed a budget in nearly four years. The presidentā€™s is late again (for the fourth time). Neither have a plan to replace the Obama sequester.

The last time Senate Democrats passed a budget was April 29, 2009 ā€“ nearly four years ago. One Democratic leader called budgeting ā€œfoolish.ā€

Only now that their paychecks are on the line under the GOP-led No Budget, No Pay Act are Senate Democrats talking about passing a budget. The ā€œno budget, no payā€ effort is supported by 72 percent of the American people.

ā€œOrdinary people ā€¦ meet their deadlines,ā€ said President Obama. But his budget is late for the fourth time. That’s the most of any president. Ever. [SEE INFOGRAPHIC]

Ā When the president finally submitted a budget last year, it received zero votes in the House and Democrat-controlled Senate. Zero.

House Republicans have routinely sought to address major challenges: the House passed budgets in 2011 and 2012 that protect and strengthen our entitlement programs for future generations; first voted to replace the president’s sequester in May 2012 and to address the rest of the “fiscal cliff” in August 2012; and more.



Folks, you are on the verge of a national crisis not seen since the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln. Over one hundred and fifty years ago, the tyrant of union supremacy caused the destruction of the constitutional republic.

Today, you have a globalist cabal in change of an empire at war with its citizens. The shutdown, seen as an opportunity to marginalize the last vestige of patriotic opposition, is a tactic of coercive compliance.Ā 

The presstitute media, owned and edited by statist enablers and apologists spins a fantasy viewpoint of responsible government. The reality is that deficit spending is so systemic that the added cost of Obamacare is ignored from the debate for a revamping of the health care establishment.

An administration, so fond of claiming to be the champion of equality, is eager to pervert the ill-conceived and destructive Affordable Care Act by executive orders. Only a demented utopia is still willing to contend that the public will experience improved health care at an affordable price.

Put aside the civic funding component in all the passed House resolutions, the true cost of this shutdown centers upon the violation of the social compact bargain with the people. A true populist advocacy is realistic of the dangers and risks from power politics.

However, such a representative and self-governing moral alternative requires a serious dialogue on the limits of fiat governance. It is especially, imperative to recognize when despotism becomes the normal method of any governing body.

When Tea Party activists are called domestic terrorists, the discussion transforms into pure demagogic intimidation. The police state thrives on the capitulation of scared citizens. The Disunited States of Amerika, once known as the home of the brave, now trembles in fear. Government clones are equivalent to the blue belly troops that pillaged the sovereign southern states in their quest to impose their version and vision of an authoritarian central government.Ā  Ā Ā 

Non-violent opposition is essential, before the day comes when all Bill of Right protections are ignored or discarded. An example of exercising a simple pro-active civil disobedient irritant to the Obama bureaucracy comes from O-Cotting Obamacare, on Facebook.

Fight Back
Fight Back

If ten million Americans call the various Obamacare hotlines, offices, agencies, etc. and talk to someone there just once every week for half an hour, we will monopolize the full time work weeks of 125 thousand Government workers. We can bring the Obamacare train to a screeching halt!

Please join this Event and pass it along to your Friends!


Now you may dismiss such a minor endeavor, as a small effort to change the world, but the rhetorical question is what are you doing today to confront an evil system that no longer represents the ordinary hard working family, attempting to live their lives with dignity and responsibility?

Inaction guarantees that well funded public mercenaries push through their plans for subjugation without any resistance. At bear minimum, engage and build relationships with like-minded activists willing to push back. Joining the Tea Party Community is a start. Communicate and keep informed. Sign-up for the BATR RealPolitik Newsletter and work your own mailing lists as a regular activity.

The government has encircled your neighborhood with a siege of starvation, both economically and spiritually. The establishment has raped your offspring with a financial burden and tax penalties that steal their future.

Hate the NeoCons in the Republican Party, BATR certainly does; but crawl out of your easy chair and demonstrate your support for any political figure or organization that is lobbying or pressuring the Obama administration to recognize the tremendous opposition coming from grassroots America.

Network across the web, but even more significant is to organize your own neighborhoods. ā€œAll politics is localā€ is not just a throw away term. It is where the rubber meets the road of your daily life. Add to your area and regional agenda, the need to confront federal agencies, whenever the destructive statists seek to enforce their punitive regulations.

This federal shutdown might be the last warning that the Chicago Saul Alinsky strategies carried out by criminal operatives in the Obama presidency are the enemy. They are annihilating radicals and extremists, dedicated to the total destruction of the country.

When Boehner says: ‘This isn’t some damn game’, the public need to act upon the warning, and participate immediately is imperative.

What will the nation look like if the political career class purges out of office all opposition to the collectivist society? The answer should be frightening to any person grounded in the history and traditions of this nation.

The POTUS is waging war on ordinary citizens. Recent presidents have been following the same script, just from different chapters. Looking for allies within the federal bureaucracy is difficult, when their latest paid vacation is just another reward for implicating the draconian policies of the Obama junto.

All those “Federalies” who walk over protestors and trash civil liberties are rapists. They betray and violate their oath of office, as protected outlaws for the system.

When the federal government shreds fundamental legal protections and perverts the law to impose government by executive orders, a federal government shutdown is not out of place. However, the Obama crew is determined on making this disruption as painful and ugly as possible. Such leadership as this deserves a toast in Hades.

The American public deserves better, but the commander of theft is hell bent on letting Senator Reid do much of the dirty work. The fearless Lou Dobbs report, Democratsā€™ harsh words over the government shutdown, says it all.

My fellow citizens the evil anarchists are not the constitutional defenders within the Tea Party, the real nihilists and legislative arsonists are the arrogant sycophant Democrats on their Jihad campaign against Middle America.

Ā Read the entire article on the BATR archive page

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SARTRE is the pen name of James Hall, a reformed, former political operative. This pundit's formal instruction in History, Philosophy and Political Science served as training for activism, on the staff of several politicians and in many campaigns. A believer in authentic Public Service, independent business interests were pursued in the private sector. As a small business owner and entrepreneur, several successful ventures expanded opportunities for customers and employees. Speculation in markets, and international business investments, allowed for extensive travel and a world view for commerce. He is retired and lives with his wife in a rural community. "Populism" best describes the approach to SARTRE's perspective on Politics. Realities, suggest that American Values can be restored with an appreciation of "Pragmatic Anarchism." Reforms will require an Existential approach. "Ideas Move the World," and SARTRE'S intent is to stir the conscience of those who desire to bring back a common sense, moral and traditional value culture for America. Not seeking fame nor fortune, SARTRE's only goal is to ask the questions that few will dare ... Having refused the invites of an academic career because of the hypocrisy of elite's, the search for TRUTH is the challenge that is made to all readers. It starts within yourself and is achieved only with your sincere desire to face Reality. So who is SARTRE? He is really an ordinary man just like you, who invites you to join in on this journey. Resources: BATR Newsletter - BATR Forum

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