Hyperinflation Has Occurred 21 Times in Last 25 Years – Here’s Where


Hyperinflation is not an unusual phenomenon:

  • 32 countries have experiencedbth_hyperinflation hyperinflation over the last 100 years
  • 21 have experienced it in the past 25 years
  • 3 have experienced it in the past 10 years.

The United States is one of the few countries to have experienced two currency collapses during its history (1812-1814 and 1861-1865).

Is it about to happen again?

Go HERE to find out whereĀ hyperinflation has occurred over the past 25 years.

Other Inflation-related Articles of Interest:

1. A Hypothetical Look At What Could Possibly Be In Store for the U.S.

The economic condition of the country continues to decline toward its rendezvous with an, as yet, unknowable catastrophe. As economic and political matters become more desperate, so will what the government considers acceptable. If a debt default cannot be engineered via continuous inflation, it will occur via a direct repudiation of obligations or a quasi-surreptitious one like the hypothetical one presented in this articleā€¦a look (not a prediction) at a series of not improbable events that could develop [and which] would change our economic world overnight. Viewed from this perspective, I donā€™t think such a move or something approximating it is out of the question. Words: 1300

2. No Threat of Inflation This Year ā€“ Hereā€™s Why

On the surface, policy settings around the world look very inflationary with large fiscal deficits and aggressively easy monetary policies yet it is hard to see inflation gaining any traction [with] global activity so weak and the monetary transmission process so impaired in many countries. There is more of a deflationary than inflationary tone to the economic environment and it does not look as if this will change any time soon.

3. Will Hyperinflation Happen in America? Here Are Economic & Political Worst Case Scenarios

I have been reading a lot lately about the coming hyperinflation in Americaā€¦ [and while] I respect many of the writers [who express that opinion] I think they are jumping the gun. At this point none of the economic or political factors required to set off hyperinflation are present ā€“ and a careful analysis of theory, fact, and history leads me to conclude that inflation/stagflation is our future. It is quite a leap of fancy to say we are certain to have hyperinflation. Words: 2780

4. The Big Mac Index Reveals the REAL Facts On U.S. Inflation!

A look at the trend in prices of the Big Mac clearly shows that investors are being penalized with higher inflation, lower income from bonds and certificates of deposit and being led to believe that the economy is growing better than it really is. [Let me explain.] Words: 1012; Charts: 2

5. Inflation: Who Have A More Inflated View ā€“ Men or Women?

The publicā€™s estimates and predictions of inflation are significantly, and systematically, related to the demographic characteristics of the respondentsā€¦[and] even after we hold constant income, age, education, race, and marital statusā€¦women in our survey tended to think inflation was 1.9 percentage points higher than men. [There are more interesting findings, so read on.] Words: 987

6. Runaway Inflation That Would Devastate USD Seems Unlikely ā€“ Hereā€™s Why

Many investors are treating inflation as a certainty because the Fed has expanded its balance sheet to unheard of levels through its quantitative easing strategy. Some have even gone so far as to say that this program will utterly destroy the U.S. currency. To demystify this conclusion, Iā€™m going to explain quantitative easing and why the Fed is using this monetary strategy. Afterward, Iā€™ll explain why gold is still positioned to rise even if inflation continues to be low. Words: 786

7. Once Inflation Starts There Will Be NO Stopping It!

If inflation starts to head towards 5%, you can be sure itā€™s headed for 10% because they donā€™t have the ability to stop it now. The only antidote they have to the mess we are in, which is massively excessive debt reinforced by derivatives, is unlimited money printing. The idea that you can withdraw the punch bowl or sharply raise interest rates, it just doesnā€™t exist, unless you want to take a complete deflationary collapse.

8. James Turk Interviews Robert Prechter: Which Will It Be ā€“ Hyperinflation or Massive Deflation?

James Turk believes hyperinflation is ahead. Bob Prechter believes massive deflation is coming. An interesting discussion between the two takes place in this audio. Ultimately, both lead to Depression. Only the route taken differs, but that is important.

9. Major Inflation is Inescapable and the Forerunner of an Unavoidable Depression ā€“ Hereā€™s Why

Whether our current economic crisis will end with massive inflation or in a deflationary spiral (ultimately, either one results in a Depression) is more than an academic one. It is the single most important variable for near and intermediate term investing success. It is also important in regard to taking actions which can prepare and protect you and your family. [Here is my assessment of what the future outcome will likely be and why.] Words: 1441

10. Major Price Inflation Is Coming ā€“ Itā€™s Just a Matter of Time! Hereā€™s Why

The developed economies of the world have opened the money spigotsā€¦[and this] massive money and credit creation is sitting in the banking system like dry tinder just waiting for a spark to set it ablaze. How quickly it happens is anyoneā€™s guess, but once it does we are likely to be enveloped in a worldwide inflation unlike anything before ever witnessed. [Let me explain further.] Words: 625

11. High Inflation is Coming but Hyperinflation is Highly Unlikely ā€“ Why is That?

People get confused about the nature of mass inflation, hyperinflation, and what causes both. [Let me clarify the nature and causes of each.] Words: 930

12. A Hyperinflationary Great Depression Is Coming to America by 2014! Hereā€™s Why

The U.S. economic and systemic-solvency crises of the last four years only have been precursors to the coming Great Collapse: a hyperinflationary great depression. Outside timing on the hyperinflation remains 2014, but there is strong risk of a currency catastrophe beginning to unfold in the months aheadā€¦moving into a full blown hyperinflation [in a few] months to a yearā€¦ depending on the developing global view of the dollar and reactions of the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve. [Let me go into more detail.] Words: 2726

13. An Inflation Inferno is Expected ā€“ but When?

Daniel ThornĀ­ton, an econĀ­oĀ­mist at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, argues that the Fedā€™s polĀ­icy of proĀ­vidĀ­ing liqĀ­uidĀ­ity has ā€œenorĀ­mous potenĀ­tial to increase the money supĀ­ply,ā€ resultĀ­ing in what The Wall Street Journalā€™s Real Time EcoĀ­nomĀ­ics blog calls ā€œan inflaĀ­tion inferno.ā€ [Personally,] I think itā€™s too soon to make sigĀ­nifĀ­iĀ­cant changes to a portĀ­foĀ­lio based on inflaĀ­tion fears. Hereā€™s why. Words: 550


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