Military Headline News: Military Charities Seeing Record Demand, U.S. Could be Pulled into Japan-China Clash


Military Headline News


* The Department of Veterans Affairs has treated nearly 900,000 troops who’ve served since 9/11.

In last quarter alone, the VA handled 184 new PTS cases per day.

But the VA isn’t alone. Military charities are seeing record levels of demand.

The Semper Fi Fund says it grants to financially strapped vets has double in recent years.

* The United States could be drawn into a conflict between Japan and China over the Senkaku Islands, according to a government report.

A US-Japan security treaty puts America at risk should a clash between the Asian neighbors erupt.

* The Marine Corps is taking a dramatic turn to get its anti-drinking message out.

“Rum and Vodka” is a one-person play about young man with a serious drinking problem. The performance is touring Marine installations.

* Air Force Gen. Philip M. Breedlove is reportedly the choice to command U.S. and NATO forces in Europe.

The job opened up when Marine Gen. John Allen decided to retire.

Rick Rogers, Military Headline News.

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