MILITARY HEADLINE NEWS: Cyber Command Going Viral


High Rates of STDs Among Female GIs, Cyber Command Going Viral, Corps Not Dropping Standards for Women





* The Pentagon is beefing up its cyber-security force in a big way.

The U.S. Cyber Command to expanding to nearly 5,000 troops or five times its current size, The Washington Post reports.

The move is aimed at bolstering the nation’s ability to defend computer systems and to attack the computer operations of foes.

* The Defense Department has lifted the ban on women in combat. But that doesn’t mean they’ll be filling every job in the military.

Commandant James Amos said the Marine Corps would not drop physical standards to allow women into all military specialties.

Amos said some occupations may ultimately remain closed to women if only a small number of them qualify for them.

The Marines currently have 30-some fields currently closed to women.

* A recent study found the rate of Sexually Transmitted Infections among military women is seven times higher than their civilian peers.

The study was done by the Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island.
Rick Rogers, Military Headline News.

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