Left Out in the Snow, A Cold Dog Helps Warm a Soldier’s Heart

Paws of War is seeking community support to relocate a soldier’s dog rescued from out in the cold


NESCONSET, New York – Most people know that a dog can’t be left out in the snow and freezing temperatures. So when you are a soldier serving overseas in the military and come across one out in the freezing temperatures while on patrol, you know you have to do something. That’s exactly what U.S. Army Pfc. Kata did when she saw a little puppy on the side of the road in the snow. She sprung into action to try and save the dog, but really it ended up saving her.

“When our soldiers bond with pets when they are stationed overseas, it’s a good thing,” explains Dereck Cartright, a disabled veteran who is the stateside logistics coordinator at Paws of War. “It helps them get through some difficult times. We are always happy to help them bring their pet back home with them.”

Pfc. Kata tried several times to get the dog to come to her and give her food, but she was afraid. After a while, she put her warm hand on her head, and the rest is history. From that moment, the dog, which she named Quince, knew that she was in safe hands. She later found out that it was the only puppy that survived the litter, and the mother had abandoned her. Pfc. Kata’s efforts paid off in helping to save the little shivering puppy from being left out in the cold.

Then something else happened, which in turn helped to save Pfc. Kata. As she bonded with the dog, she found herself feeling happy again. Even if the time spent together during the day was brief, Quince always lifted her spirits and brightened her mood. The bond helped Pfc. Kata gets through days that would have otherwise left her feeling down and homesick.

“In the times we spent together, I felt so happy, and for those brief moments, I forgot the sadness of being so far away from home and missing my family,” explains Pfc. Kata. “Growing up, I had rescue dogs, and being able to send one home off the streets here will make me feel like I am able to make a very small difference, but one that I really wanted to make for Quince.”

Pfc. Kata has asked Paws of War to help with Quince’s relocation effort. It is happy to pull off the mission but needs the support of the community to help make it happen. To help get Quince to safety in the United States, where she can live out her life with Pfc. Kata’s family, visit the site: PawsOfWar.NetworkForGood.com

During cold weather, pets need extra care. Keep these tips in mind to help keep them safer:

* Provide your pet with more food during the colder months, because their body will require more.
* Keep in mind that if you find it too cold to be outdoors then your pet will, too. Bring them inside to keep them warmer.
* Avoid bathing your pet a lot during the winter, because it can lead to their skin becoming dry.
* Pick up a paw-protecting oil that you can massage into their paws. This will help protect them from salt that may be on the pavement for ice.
* Towel-dry your pet off each time they come back inside.

Many service members stationed around the world rescue cats and dogs and become attached to them. The pets bring them peace and comfort and put smiles on their faces. Paws of War has made it its mission to help get those pets to safety in America when the time arrives. It has helped many service members to get their rescued pets relocated following deployment. To learn more about what it does or to make a donation to help support its efforts, visit the site at: PawsOfWar.org.

About Paws of War

Paws of War is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization that provides assistance to military members and their pets, rescues and trains dogs to be service dogs, and provides companion animals to veterans. To learn more about Paws of War and the programs provided or to make a donation, visit its site at: PawsOfWar.org.

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