Leftist Loons Want a Civil War




by Sartre

The Trump victory has the globalist establishment unleashing their cohorts of insurgents and extremist thugs to cause chaos.

Now that the election has been decided, it is time to accelerate in earnest the smoldering civil war that has been burning for decades. Forget about divide and conquer, the forces of international Marxist authoritarianism have long ago taken control of America. The significance of the peoples’ peaceful overthrow of the perpetual power click of professional thieves and political crooks is an opportunity to defeat the ongoing culture of the District of Criminals.

Prepare for push back and a counter attack that seeks to instill a permanent depression in the psyche of patriotic Americans. The puppet masters just took a setback, but they never go away. George Soros funded seditious organizations are the avowed enemy of every law abiding citizen.

George Soros going to bat for Hillary Clinton, POLITICO
George Soros going to bat for Hillary Clinton, POLITICO

The greatest danger and first order of business for Donald J. Trump is to gather around him a loyal and trustworthy Praetorian Guard. No other President-elect pending the Electoral College to certify him and awaiting his oath of office on Inaugural Day has ever been a more prominent target for assassination.

Proof of the underlying nature for this ongoing irreconcilable compatibility between the street punks and their sponsors, with working middle class is evident whenever the subversive exuberance and call that Trump should be eliminated. This standard of disloyalty to our constitutional republic is primary confirmation that the ultimate objective of these Jacobins is to destroy our nation.

jfk-911Are there any bounds of violence and sabotage that the globalists would avoid in order to preserve their protection racket? History speaks clearly. Whatever it takes, the power worshipers will employ every means and any plot to maintain their control. Political Assassination – Terror or Plots and Significance of the JFK Assassination provide relevant background on the way the world actually works.

Dave Hodges presents a contrary possibility in Hillary to be Permanently Silenced by the Globalists.

“Let’s take a globalist perspective of the present situation in the aftermath of the 2016 race for the White House. The criminal elite do not want Donald Trump’s populist movement to progress any further. To do so, would advance the cause of nationalism over the sovereignty busting globalism which is the end game of the New World Order. However, it would be a case of high risk poker to assassinate Trump as it would put tens of millions into the street and the risk having an uprising that cannot easily be squelched would become real. A military coup might even result.”

While this position might resonate with some, the cold harsh fact that the ultra power elite has never hesitated to remove an obstacle, like a political leader from the ruling grid if their decisive blueprint plans are challenged and threatened.

Removal or neutralization of the goons, who make up the leftist obstruction and their tyrannous elite sponsors, can be implemented through strong leadership and resolve. What cannot be ignored or even denied is that the fundamental conflict between the demonic enslavers and the relatively powerless ordinary populace is the most diametrically opposed union that exists on the planet.

The initiator belligerents, who instituted their war on humanity, started the hostilities. They take no opposition prisoners because their combat tactics allow the internment of only submissive captives. Those who resist and refuse to surrender are designated to become fertilizer. No perfect world will be achieved until the beltway becomes a glass surface of desolation.

As the disclosure of the Trump appointees begins to be known, the anticipation of how he will actually govern starts to be revealed. The selection of Reince Priebus as chief of staff indicates that working with Congress will be a priority. Stephen Bannon would be our choice. No one knows with certainty what changes, let alone fundamental restorations of confidence in a limited central government might come out of a Trump administration.

However, the hope of every citizen of good will is that President Trump will “drain the swamp” of systemic corruption. Regretfully, if this herculean task even has the most modest success that cesspool bog requires many layers of rebar and concrete to be laid on top of the residue.

Conversely the immediate call to grant a pardon to Robbery Hillham in order to clean the slate and offer an olive branch to the disgruntled collectivists is an absolute absurdity, when the social warriors of politically correct despotism are committed to exterminate our heritage and Bill of Rights protections. Professional protestors and provocateurs were never taught and certainly never learned the lesson that economist Milton Friedman popularized: “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.”

These idiots suffer from such acute mental deficiencies where they believe that their government schools and college programming has anything to do with learning critical thinking or achieving a serious education. They missed the lecture where the moral of Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is Dead was sung and continue to abide by the dictates of the all powerful OZ.

The Typhoid Mary epidemic that has infected the fanatical and zealots of this disturbed new age cult resides in obscene urban ghettos of profane self-destruction. The Left Coast is a vast wasteland of honorable culture. Their adoration of a virtual tech reality has depleted brain cells faster than all the dope they smoke or snort.

So when Silicon Valley’s Secessionist Fever Dream is expressed, why would Middle America want to stand in their way of separation?

“Silicon Valley won’t take this sitting down. Shervin Pishevar, co-founder of transportation startup Hyperloop One, has promised to fund a campaign for California to become its own nation. Supporters are working on an initiative to put a referendum for California secession on the 2018 ballot. On Wednesday, residents gathered in front of the capitol building in Sacramento to rally for independence.”

This proposal is encouraging. Expanding to include, After Donald Trump victory, Oregonians submit ballot proposal to secede from the union, is even better.

“On Thursday morning, Jennifer Rollins, a lawyer, and Christian Trejbal, a writer, filed the Oregon Secession Act.

“Oregonian values are no longer the values held by the rest of the United States,” Trejbal said over the phone Thursday.”

As #Calexit secession movement trends on Twitter, the triumph of Trump Nation salutes the separation and encourages the prompt departure of Leftist Lunatic Loons. Can you find a way to add New York City and Chicago to your Gulag Archipelago?

If one reads the dishonest mainstream mass media or views the robots on cable news channels, the first impression you get is that the mumbo jumbo bimboos all want to bury the hatchet and start getting along. Balderdash is the proper answer. Call for getting along is beltway speak for conservatives to capitulate to the establishment apparatchik viewpoint.

People must face reality, which is a natural endowment that is in very short supply. As the coordinated riots organized through the globalist network of NGO’s and Progressive fronts continue, the Obama administration just sits on their hands and watch the metro landscape become a field of riot dreams.


It is long overdue to arrest Soros for sedition. When Soros Orders Attack on Trump Tower, Massive Riots in Chicago, he demonstrates his treason to the nation.

“This year has taught in no uncertain terms that so-called “popular protests” like Black Lives Matter are far more than mere “coincidences.” In fact, BLM protests and virtually all anti-Trump unrest in the past year, if not longer, is driven by wealthy rootless cosmopolitans like George Soros.

In a nutshell, now that Soros and Friends have lost another shot at controlling America via the White House, the globalists are going for broke with the bird dogging and BLM unrest. The immediate goal is to tar Trump’s presidency as a kind of “neofascism” before he even takes office.”

For principled patriots with a cast iron stomach and the will to endure the garbage, being on the email list of Moveon.org or CREDO Team documents the extreme emotional mental illness that permeates the Left’s unwillingness to unite.

“Since Tuesday night, violence against the communities Trump targeted during his campaign has only escalated – and it will only get worse if Democratic leaders help to legitimize Trump’s presidency.”

Ask who are these hooligans that are burning buildings and trashing cars? They are not the peaceniks, who protested the immoral Viet Nam war.

If they truly want revolution because they are so distraught that their safe space is in danger of being penetrated by the cold harsh real world, here is a news flash. It is difficult to start a rebellion, when you are the most vocal proponents for banning firearms.

The civil war these lackeys, for international globalists cabal are fostering is a despicable subversion plot to destroy our constitutional political system. The moron libtard who screams, “This country needs you to stand up and walk into the Supreme Court and says one vote equals one vote. What’s wrong with that?”, is an accurate and succinct manifest why harmonious coexistence with such idiots is a fools game.

Heartfelt Americans must muster the courage to confront and isolate the traitors, who hate our traditional culture, common law jurisprudence and religious heritage. Remember the conflict is a death match and a fight against principalities of evil.

SARTRE – November 15, 2016

Trump should resist neocon & shadow gov’t influence to justify people’s hopes – Ron Paul

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SARTRE is the pen name of James Hall, a reformed, former political operative. This pundit's formal instruction in History, Philosophy and Political Science served as training for activism, on the staff of several politicians and in many campaigns. A believer in authentic Public Service, independent business interests were pursued in the private sector. As a small business owner and entrepreneur, several successful ventures expanded opportunities for customers and employees. Speculation in markets, and international business investments, allowed for extensive travel and a world view for commerce. He is retired and lives with his wife in a rural community. "Populism" best describes the approach to SARTRE's perspective on Politics. Realities, suggest that American Values can be restored with an appreciation of "Pragmatic Anarchism." Reforms will require an Existential approach. "Ideas Move the World," and SARTRE'S intent is to stir the conscience of those who desire to bring back a common sense, moral and traditional value culture for America. Not seeking fame nor fortune, SARTRE's only goal is to ask the questions that few will dare ... Having refused the invites of an academic career because of the hypocrisy of elite's, the search for TRUTH is the challenge that is made to all readers. It starts within yourself and is achieved only with your sincere desire to face Reality. So who is SARTRE? He is really an ordinary man just like you, who invites you to join in on this journey. Resources: BATR Newsletter - BATR Forum


  1. Point of order: Our Constitution is silent about individual rights. They are spelled out in Amendments. The Constitution has been amended many times, as per the method spelled out by the Founders in the Constitution itself. Amendments have granted rights, such as giving women the vote, and has taken rights away, such as the right to have a drink. Further, Amendments have been repealed, have they not. After that is the enabling legislation and decisions by courts of review (common law). But as a practical matter, please explain exactly how small arms in the possession of private citizens could effectively counter any suppressing or eliminating of individual libertine by the power elite when they have the intelligence gathering capabilities and the weaponry of governments and corporations at their disposal: taps on the Internet backbone, spy satellites, drones equipped with Hellfire missiles with anti-personnel warheads, AC-130 gunships, tanks, etc? In short, its not just that the power elite could not possibly care one way or the other if\ private citizens have small arms or not, given that “lone gunmen” have been so useful to them, I would imagine that they are all for it. I mean, what would a “lone gunman” be without a gun? Lonely?

  2. The author looks to be vulnerable to attacks by Grammar Nazis: The significance of the peoples’ peaceful overthrow of the perpetual power click [sic] of professional thieves and political crooks is an opportunity to defeat the ongoing culture of the District of Criminals. [clique, noun (klik): a small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them.]; pushback n, push back, v + preposition; Proof of the underlying nature for this ongoing irreconcilable compatibility between the street punks and their sponsors, with working middle class is evident whenever the subversive exuberance [sic, meaning unclear, was a verb interned here?] and call that Trump should be eliminated. [exuberance noun: the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience]; While this position might resonate with some, the cold harsh fact that the ultra power elite has never hesitated to remove an obstacle, like a political leader from the ruling grid if their decisive blueprint plans [sic, possibly redundant, a blueprint is a plan] are challenged and threatened.; What cannot be ignored or even denied is that the fundamental conflict between the demonic enslavers and the relatively powerless ordinary populace is the most diametrically opposed union [sic, meaning unclear, opposed/union possible oxymoron] that exists on the planet.; Professional protestors [spelling error, protester] and provocateurs were never taught and certainly never learned the lesson that economist Milton Friedman popularized: “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.”; mis-attribution. quote and its popularity due to author Robert A Heinlein.; prosecute for sedition? Under the 1940 Alien Registration Act? Exactly how would such a case be made based on previous successful prosecutions under this Federal statute?

  3. ​Justin Raimondo ‏@JustinRaimondo 2h2 hours ago
    Justin Raimondo Retweeted Greg Sargent
    We avoided World War III with Russia. Stopping the obliteration of the human race is a start. Now let’s work on neocon eradication project.

    Trump ​has​ expressed dilemma in his 60 minutes interview​ this week,​ ​E​veryone with experience​ he says​ is an ideologue or a lobbyists, he has very little to choose from. ​Let’s hope he is able to ensure whoever he selects stays on his agenda.

    ​President Obama said at his Press Conference yesterday, when asked what he now thinks about Trump’s temperament after having met him personally for the first timeand spoken to him for an hour and a half, he said that “President-elect Trump is pragmatic and not an ideologue.”

    Probably the most truthful statement Mr. O has made in the last couple of months. He should​ do the honest thing and ​​go out and tell all those protesters that he lied to them about Trump. ​He lied to them about Russia hacking the DNC and Hillary’s emails. ​T​hat they don’t need to fear President-elect Trump.​ And STOP the hand-wringing, whining B.S. ​

    ​We in Alternative Media have been struggling to gain national audience for 30 years. Trump has done us a big favor exposing the collusion between the Mainstream media and the Establishment and you now have Americans scrambling for subscriptions online to get their news.

    The​​ corporate media leopards​ and some so-called progressive websites​ will never change their spots.​
    ​As one writer astutely observes, “T​oo many are almost lusting after the sight of Trump betraying his followers. The mainstream media have been supporting those doubts and pessimism by painting Trump as a compromiser already. They seek to divide his support​…”​

    ​Those still harping on ​a Clinton win, deliberately blind to her Lies and Corruption, can only be assumed is on the unofficial payroll of the DNC ? Or they should be explaining the blatant Lies by the DNC and Obama administration about the Russian hijacking of the election. And more to the point, do they actually believe Hillary Clinton is a reasonable and decent politician ? The double-standard​s​ of the supporters of Hillary Clinton is breathtaking.

    ​Political establishments in Washington and Europe are in shock over Donald Trump’s win. And it’s far from over. Europe is bracing itself as elections loom in several member states.

    Germany and France could be next big shocks. If their pro-EU governments should fall, then the European bloc as we know it is over.

    Things can go bad for only so long and then folks say enough is enough and we get change.

    Game on folks. The winner takes it all! Hang in there people!​

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