Challenge Coins: What Are They and How To Find The Best


AĀ challenge coinĀ is a smallĀ coinĀ orĀ medallion, bearing an organization’s insignia orĀ emblem and carried by the organization’s members.

Traditionally, they might be given to prove membership when challenged and to enhance morale. They are also collected by service members and law enforcement personnel. Historically, challenge coins were presented by unit commanders in recognition of special achievements by a member of the unit. They could also be exchanged in recognition of visits to an organization.

Modern-day challenge coins may feature popular culture attributesĀ or organizational values. Modern challenge coins are made in a variety of sizes and are often made using popular culture references, including superheroes and other well-known characters in a way that creates a parody.

To find out who makes the best challenge coins, click here >>

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