How Do We Move Beyond Liberals are Crazy and Conservatives are Nazis?

Will Witt, media personality

Winning the hearts and minds used to be an overseas mission direction. Now, in these times of great uncertainty, division, and polarization, this directive applies on US soil.

How do we have conversations with people who don’t hold our same values – how do we move beyond “liberals are crazy” and “conservatives are Nazis”?  HOW DO WE WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE OUR ENEMIES?

On the latest edition of The Military Wire, I hosted Will Witt. He’s a college dropout, who moved from the Midwest to Los Angeles to pursue a career in media and politics. He was part of the far-left thinking until a conversation took place in one of his college classes that made him pause.

Today, Will is a media personality, national speaker, short film director, cultural commentator, and host of the show Will Witt Live on PragerU. His online videos have amassed over five hundred million views, and he is one of the most viewed conservative media personalities in America.  He is also the author of the book How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies: Taking On Liberal Arguments with Logic and Humor. Which is brilliant, I might add.

Don’t be too quick to discount Will’s methods of winning friends if you don’t lean conservative. I know. Some of you are thinking, “I don’t need more friends, especially if they are conservative.” Or “I only need friends who think like me.” And I would caution that this very thinking is why we are in this mess. Whether you are conservative or liberal, Will’s suggestions are designed to really help one move beyond being divisive and lead to discussion – where both individuals can learn from each other.

In the interview we tackle racism, Covid, and immigration – all very relevant topics today that he covers in his book and topics that seem to drive people apart, when the answers will likely be discovered when we find the one percent we agree on and give that 100 percent of our effort.

So, be sure to pick up How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies: Taking On Liberal Arguments with Logic and Humor, settle in with your favorite beverage and commit to reading this book with an open mind. You will learn something – guaranteed.

The Military Wire, hosted by Mike Schindler, interviews some of America’s most elite men and women who have served this country in hopes that you the listener will gain an “ah-ha” moment that will help you move your life forward. Mike is a US Navy Veteran, an award-winning author, and has been featured on Yahoo Finance, the Boston Globe, NY Post, USA Today, Q13 Fox, and numerous other media outlets discussing why today’s Veterans are truly one of America’s Greatest Assets. Mike is the author of two highly endorsed books, “Operation Military Family: How Military Couples are Fighting to Preserve their Marriages,” and “U.S. Veterans in the Workforce: Why the 7% are America’s Greatest Asset.”


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