Postmodern Globalism


Postmodernism is less well known than Globalism. Still, both are based upon a cultural outlook that rejects traditional values and institutions. Consider the analysis offered by Conservapedia and some aspects of the postmodernist ideas:

¡        Truth is a “social construct,” rather than objectively provable, and by extension is merely relative.

¡        As an extension of this, History is considered “fiction” or “storytelling”

¡       Human agency is the only thing allowing for ideals like peace, power, and control to actually have power since they themselves lack any despite being passed down for ages due to just being ideals.

¡       A society’s choice of language reflects their general perceptions of the rules by which the world operates (see political correctness).

¡       There is no one superior culture; Western culture is no better than any other (see cultural relativism). This often takes the form of ridicule of anything deemed to be part of traditional values or mainstream American culture.

¡       Insanity is simply a cultural creation.

¡       Traditional authority has a strong tendency to be false and corrupt.

¡       Morality is personal with tradition playing little to no role in it, and as such, “right” and “wrong” is solely a matter of perspective (see moral relativism).

¡       The frequent use of irony and humorous wordplay to shift the meanings of words is encouraged as this causes people to rethink their assumptions about culture and language.

¡       Gender roles, sexuality and race are socially constructed, not inborn traits.

¡       The only way towards peace is by embracing international unity, as nationalism causes wars.

With this description in mind review this passage in the essay, A Philosophy of Globalization, by Endre Kiss is Professor for history of philosophy at the University EÜtvÜs (Budapest) and professor for German Literature. Kiss is founder of the Center for Postmodernism (Budapest-SzÊkesfehÊrvår).

“Globalization gets fulfilled in the universe of postmodern values. With respect to the history-philosophical method, we do not attempt to define the main characteristics of postmodernism by its contrast to modernism. We break up with the widespread contrast of modernism and postmodernism, because we firmly believe that the essence of postmodernism can be revealed in its relations to structuralism and neo-Marxism. These two streams were emblematic of the philosophy of the sixties. Sometimes they amplified one another, and sometimes they got polemic with each other. By the mid-seventies, neo-Marxism ceased to exist as abruptly as a natural disaster, and around that time, structuralism also recognized its failure. The place of these two great streams was taken by a philosophical vacuum, which however did not mean a ‘philosophers’ vacuum’, i.e. the absence of philosophers; as there came philosophers who although possessed positions of political power, but no philosophy of their own. This was the vacuum postmodernism successfully filled as a meta-philosophy. Therefore, today’s philosophy is under the twofold hegemony of postmodernism and neoliberalism-neopositivism. The most important symmetry-relation between these two streams is the attempt to re-regulate the whole process of thinking by the regulation of notion-building and object constitution. But their strategies are opposite to one another: neoliberalism-neopositivism sets reductionist verification as its chief requirement, while postmodernism delegitimates verification. However, these two streams have one more thing in common: both the limitation of the scope of the rules of philosophical verification and its total elimination got realized not through power-free intersubjective discourses, but in the medium of interpersonal power.”

Dismiss the postmodernism propaganda of the Globalist oligarchy and compare the anti-globalism rhetoric that Vladimir Putin exemplifies since the fall of the Soviet Union. Liliana N. Proskuryakova asked back on November 3, 2004, Is Putin an Anti-Globalization Hero? But maintains skepticism to his actual motives that reflect the Postmodernism attitude of the author.

“Anti-globalization activists have held their applause, as they believe Putin’s inconsistent policies betray a different agenda: His policies may be less about promoting Russia and its economy, and more about increasing government power. Putin’s clashes with the WTO and the IMF, Russia’s momentary hold on borrowing, and nationalist foreign policy appear to reflect anti-globalization theme; however, when accompanied by significant and unpopular cuts in social services within Russia itself, these moves contradict the humanitarian ideology of the anti-globalization movement.”

Examine the report, In an Astounding Interview, Putin says Globalism is the Enemy of Humanity and watch the video, Putin says Multiculturalism is “No Longer Tenable”.

Next listen to the presentation, Putin on culture, globalism and Europe.

These countervailing conclusions differ with the internationalist viewpoint. The relevant question, can Putin be trusted to stay the course against this anti-globalism NWO for Russia?

The article, Putin creating ‘an Anti-Globalist International’ in Europe, Pastukhov says.

“In short, Pastukhov suggests, “Russia is rapidly transforming itself into the center of European reaction,” not into isolationism; and under Putin, it is “actively preparing for the release of the second edition of the Holy Alliance” of the early part of the 19th century.

All this is shown by what was said recently at the Valdai Club in Sochi, the historian suggests when Putin and others described what this new anti-globalist world would be like.

It has long been a commonplace that Russia needs at ideology to be stable, and there is some truth in this, Pastukhov says. It hasn’t had one, and even the propaganda campaign against Ukraine was not a serious ideology but rather an example of “primitive tribalist chauvinism” that like all emotions couldn’t last.”

Lastly, Putin Urges Europeans To Fight Globalism Before Its Too Late. The finality implication is that globalism is destroying our society.

“A further challenge for the national Russian identity is connected to the processes we observe outside of Russia. They include foreign policy, moral, and other aspects. We see that many Euro-Atlantic states have taken the way where they deny or reject their own roots, including their Christian roots which form the basis of Western civilization.”

Postmodern was the underpinning of the Marxist Soviet regime. Today the Russian revival is more Christian than the pagans that are annihilating Christendom in Western Europe.

SARTRE – July 2, 2019

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SARTRE is the pen name of James Hall, a reformed, former political operative. This pundit's formal instruction in History, Philosophy and Political Science served as training for activism, on the staff of several politicians and in many campaigns. A believer in authentic Public Service, independent business interests were pursued in the private sector. As a small business owner and entrepreneur, several successful ventures expanded opportunities for customers and employees. Speculation in markets, and international business investments, allowed for extensive travel and a world view for commerce. He is retired and lives with his wife in a rural community. "Populism" best describes the approach to SARTRE's perspective on Politics. Realities, suggest that American Values can be restored with an appreciation of "Pragmatic Anarchism." Reforms will require an Existential approach. "Ideas Move the World," and SARTRE'S intent is to stir the conscience of those who desire to bring back a common sense, moral and traditional value culture for America. Not seeking fame nor fortune, SARTRE's only goal is to ask the questions that few will dare ... Having refused the invites of an academic career because of the hypocrisy of elite's, the search for TRUTH is the challenge that is made to all readers. It starts within yourself and is achieved only with your sincere desire to face Reality. So who is SARTRE? He is really an ordinary man just like you, who invites you to join in on this journey. Resources: BATR Newsletter - BATR Forum