VA’s uncertain future in building hospitals



By Melissa Blasius

Several members of Congress agreed at a hearing on Capitol Hill that the Department of Veterans Affairs should be stripped of its power to construct hospitals, as the VA tries explain how building the new Aurora facility became a financial fiasco.

“Mismanagement, cost overruns and delays are the norm of VA’s construction program,” Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colorado) said at a House Veterans Affairs Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee hearing Thursday.

Coffman, who is the subcommittee chairman, was first to suggest the Army Corps of Engineers should take over construction management of all veterans’ medical facilities.

The VA “has not ruled out the possibility of turning construction management functions to the [U.S. Army] Corps of Engineers,” testified Dennis Milsten, the Associate Executive Director of the Office of Operations, for the VA’s Office of ConstructionĀ and Facilities Management.hire vets

“You’re no longer going to get to decide whether you build hospitals or not,” Rep. Tim Walz (D-Minnesota) told Milsten. “That’s where this is headed.”

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