Baldwin County veterans’ court celebrates inaugural graduation by recognizing support and mentorship



By John Sharp

Caps weren’t tossed. “Pomp and Circumstance” wasn’t played. The graduates didn’t wear ankle-length gowns.

Instead, they were presented by their first names only in order to protect identities. They were given quilts and challenge coins. Diplomas were replaced with dismissals.

Above all, though, the inaugural graduating class of Baldwin County’s veterans’ court was given another chance at life.

“When we think of graduation, we think of it as an academic or training achievement,” said Randy, one of the seven veterans honored as the first graduating class of the Baldwin County hire vetsveterans’ court during a two-hour ceremony at Erie Meyer Civic Center in Gulf Shores. “It’s a milestone in growing up. This is not a graduation about this, but about support. It’s a support team put into place.”

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