Prefab State Terror for Human Bondage



By Batr Sartre


The shadow cabal that exerts raw power over the public controls and dictates the mindset that passes as the popular culture. Keeping people in fear, real or manufactured is essential to keep the police state omnipresent. Both foreign and domestic operations are conducted to divide and rule, not only other nations, but the indigenous populations that are targets of the next clandestine mission.

Since the end of WWII, the intelligence community has lead the way to overturn our constitutional republic and put into place a controlled social environment that is docile and obedient to the masters of the American Empire.

In order to accomplish this fundamental transition from a free society into a despotic police state, threats must be fashioned, real or imaginary. Bona fide menaces that imperil our legitimate national security require intelligent and defensive action. However, such situations are rare, when compared to the entire mix of manufactured crisis that are designed to increase the range and scope of the power establishment.

The sordid and soiled history of the Central Intelligence Agency is a prime example of furthering international conflict and tension so that the national subjects will accept a trepidation culture. But the CIA is not alone in this coordinated effort to create undeviating terror. In the 50’s the FBI looked for a commie under any bed. Just consider how far we have sunk since Hoover did his illegal wire taps to a society that routinely accept the NSA collection of all electronic communications.

endlieWith the collapse of the Soviet International and the intellectual disrepute of Marxist ideology, one might think that the efforts of the intelligence communities might have earned their keep. With the recent disclosure of the CIA cooperated with Chinese intelligence to target Russia, the book “The Hundred Year Marathon” by former Pentagon official Michael Pillsbury reveals the following:

“Covert CIA-China cooperation was part of successive administrations’ programs to undermine the Soviet Union, which China turned on after realizing Moscow’s Marxist-Leninist economic model was doomed. China instead began courting the United States for economic benefit while creating a revised communist economic system.

The disclosures of clandestine U.S.-China intelligence cooperation dating to the 1970s are likely to embarrass Beijing. China frequently attacks the CIA for allegedly fomenting democratic revolution in China and for supporting the exiled Tibetan leader the Dalai Lama, whom China designated as a major enemy. Beijing also accused the CIA of organizing the recent large-scale pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong. The U.S. government has denied any role in the public outcry over creeping Chinese control over the former British colony.”

The significance of the “Agency” working with an advocacy to destabilize a different foe should not shock seasoned observers of international intrigue. What is even less surprising is that the defeat of the Soviet Communist regime brought a new era of openness to Russia, while the neo-commies in Beijing China perfected their totalitarian model for the NWO globalism elites.

Now that the Putin administration is exerting its own national interest and pushes back against the American expansion to surround the “Motherland”, the pro Zionists over at the State Department ratchet up pressure on the new Russia. The U.S. inspired coup in Ukraine has always been about neutering the Christian revival in Russia.

As currency wars develop and the Russia Rubble was recently undermined, the attack on any intended opposition to the “world community” is set to expand. Conversely, speculation that the IMF will soon add the Chinese Yuan as a reserve currency indicates that it is vital to craft essential enemies when needed and elevate opportunist when useful.

The common theme throughout the last century has been the planned technocratic human bondage of the world population. The calls for democratic self determination and economic uplifting for subsistent level peasants may seem to have improved the human condition. Even so, the upgrading in material minimalism has not been accompanied with respect for individual human rights.

The State, no matter what nationality or ideological orientation all share a consistent flaw; namely, a false authority of supremacy that imposes the dictates of committed globalists.

Failure to recognize that intelligence and security agencies are nothing more than police state enforcers is a prime reason why a universal populist movement does not gain traction.

Different cultures perceive the world within their own ethnic eyes. Expecting varied outlooks should be accepted as normal. However, the overriding message that comes out of the mass media, both foreign and domestic, share a common commercial content. The powers that be must be obeyed. This social indoctrination is intended to protect the interdependency of a unified global matrix.

In order to achieve this objective, perceived threats are useful. Distinguishing between tangible and phony dangers, contrary to popular wisdom, is not a function, preformed by the security apparatus, one can have confidence in. Their literal agenda is to serve the shifting global instability template, so that the elite’s can continue to have free reign on adding more layers of servitude.

Today’s serfs often wear designer duds. But more important, perception is altered when history is perverted. How the CIA Turned Doctor Zhivago into a Propaganda Weapon Against the Soviet Union provided a valuable lesson.

“The CIA’s recently revealed use of Boris Pasternak’s novel Doctor Zhivago as a propaganda weapon. Repressed in Pasternak’s native Russia, the book first appeared in Italy in 1957. The following year, the British suggested to America’s Central Intelligence Agency that the book stood a decent chance of winning hearts and minds behind the Iron Curtain — if, of course, they could get a few copies in there.

A CIA memo sent across its own Soviet Russia Division subsequently pronounced Doctor Zhivago as possessed of “great propaganda value, not only for its intrinsic message and thought-provoking nature, but also for the circumstances of its publication. We have the opportunity to make Soviet citizens wonder what is wrong with their government, when a fine literary work by the man acknowledged to be the greatest living Russian writer is not even available in his own country in his own language for his own people to read.”

That evaluation comes from one of the over 130 declassified documents used by Peter Finn and Petra Couvée in their brand new history of this act of real-life literary espionage, The Zhivago Affair: The Kremlin, the CIA and the Battle Over a Forbidden Book.”

The message behind this outstanding treasure of literature is undeniable. Hopeful, uplifting of the human spirit, while describing the grim circumstances of the commissar system, is memorable. Comrades beware; bringing down an evil empire to have it replaced with a kinder and gentler Western version of globalization is not exactly the definition of success.

Who among the defenders of Western Civilization will write the next masterpiece about the sinister motives and dire effects of the true global hegemony that seeks to subjugate all of humanity under the banner of world unity?

The imposition of State terror initiates its next operation with the full blessing of the financial controllers. Keeping and expanding the danger level of false flag terrorism, provides the excuse to impose the Jade Helm gulag.

“JADE-HELM – stands for: “Joint Assistance For Deployment and Execution – Homeland Eradication of Local Militants.” In other words, the Government is getting nervous about the fact that more Americans are now aware of the corruption, criminality and destruction of civil rights. Jade Helm is specifically intended for the purpose of eliminating fomenting Government insurrection groups. The States in which Jade Helm exercises are being conducted are “hot beds” for anti-Government militia groups (the latter are your allies).”

The faint-hearted vassals, who would never dare to jeopardize their own tranquility, if not meaningless subsistence, or oppose their countries deep sleep into oblivion, are real bondage serfs.

Keeping or amplifying the CIA sub-rosa agenda of warfare missions to include domestic operations should be opposed by any loyal citizen. Since apathy, confusion and denial of what actually constitutes a “Good and Open Society” is in such short supply, few will act upon resisting the forces of global tyranny.

When genuine national security is sacrificed to further a climate of prefab fear, we lose the battle for true safety. If enduring under a Reign of Terror is the price we all must pay to complete the global New World Order, we must be collectively insane to allow this transition to be accepted without a fight to the death.

Many will conclude that this conversion is inevitable. Doctor Zhivago was a heroic figure and fought the autocrats. His example provides motivation to apply the same principles of opposition to the established order of a demonic organized criminal syndicate.

Having the courage to combat despotism in favor of individual liberation, is fundamentally our duty and purpose as true Americans. Reject phony intelligence community terrorist threats. In order to restore the essence of our nation, every citizen needs to oppose any and all  components of the New World Order. Reform will not work. Only total rebellion is left.

SARTRE – April 28, 2015


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SARTRE is the pen name of James Hall, a reformed, former political operative. This pundit's formal instruction in History, Philosophy and Political Science served as training for activism, on the staff of several politicians and in many campaigns. A believer in authentic Public Service, independent business interests were pursued in the private sector. As a small business owner and entrepreneur, several successful ventures expanded opportunities for customers and employees. Speculation in markets, and international business investments, allowed for extensive travel and a world view for commerce. He is retired and lives with his wife in a rural community. "Populism" best describes the approach to SARTRE's perspective on Politics. Realities, suggest that American Values can be restored with an appreciation of "Pragmatic Anarchism." Reforms will require an Existential approach. "Ideas Move the World," and SARTRE'S intent is to stir the conscience of those who desire to bring back a common sense, moral and traditional value culture for America. Not seeking fame nor fortune, SARTRE's only goal is to ask the questions that few will dare ... Having refused the invites of an academic career because of the hypocrisy of elite's, the search for TRUTH is the challenge that is made to all readers. It starts within yourself and is achieved only with your sincere desire to face Reality. So who is SARTRE? He is really an ordinary man just like you, who invites you to join in on this journey. Resources: BATR Newsletter - BATR Forum