Dental care for veterans


DentistThe Piedmont Regional Dental Clinic will provide free dental care to low income, uninsured Virginia veterans on Veterans Day, Nov. 11.


by Arnaldo Rodgers

Veterans typically do not have dental coverage as part of the healthcare benefits they receive through the Veterans Administration, according to the PRDC spokesperson.

“Eligibility for dental care is extremely limited for veterans, and differs significantly from eligibility requirements for medical care” said Phil Sterbling, Colonel, US Army (Retired) and PRDC Board member. “Unless a veteran is 100 percent disabled, has been a prisoner of war, is homeless, is enrolled in a VA vocational rehabilitation program or has a dental condition directly service-related, they receive no dental care from the Veterans Administration.”

There are more than 12,000 uninsured, low income veterans in Virginia. PRDC Executive Director Kelli Mitchell said the clinic will be able to treat about 60 veterans that day. “It will be the first time we’ve done an event like this and our staff is enthusiastic about helping these veterans,” said Mitchell.

Participating veterans will also receive an oral cancer and blood pressure screening, an optional flu shot courtesy of the Orange County Free Clinic, and their choice of an extraction, a filling or a cleaning.

Veterans interested in receiving free dental care on Nov. 11 should call PRDC to make an appointment. With limited appointments available, the slots will go quickly.

To qualify for free care a veteran must: be a veteran of the U.S. uniformed services; have a household income at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level; have no dental insurance; and provide a photo ID.

For appointments in advance call the PRDC at (540) 661-0008.

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