Defense Contractor Hiring


unitechUnity Technologies Joins the largest online job board for U.S. Veterans in an effort to help our nation’s veterans get back into the workforce.

Unity Technologies Corporation (Unitytec) was founded in 2006 by Mr. Joe Dorsey. Mr. Dorsey has more than 25 years’ experience in Defense Contracting and has been on the leadership teams of fortune 100 defense contractors as well as small business. His contribution to startup companies has resulted in the emergence of successful defense contractors in technology, security, logistics and staff augmentation. Mr. Dorsey has developed winning proposals for multiple Government contacts often in small business environments with very limited resources. For example, in 2010, Mr. Dorsey won the Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Depot Kandahar Afghanistan contract for Safe Ports. That company previously only had commercial contracts and is now positioned as a leader in the defense logistics arena. In 2013, Mr. Dorsey led the capture of the Defense Logistics Agency Professional Services for UnityTec. In the past 12 month from July 2013 to July 2014, UnityTec has secured dozens of contract awards for its BPO customers.


Click Here To View And Apply To All Of Unitytec’s Available Positions!


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