VOSB In Malibu California Looks to Hire Veterans!


CalamigosMalibu Conference Center at Calamigos Ranch a VOSB (Veteran Own Small Business) Joins HireVeterans

The Calamigos Star C Ranch emerged as the premier location for wellness, and healing in the growing town of Malibu. Grant and Helen Walter Gerson foresaw their unique opportunity to immerse and expose guests to an un touched, and elegantly rustic lifestyle that they both loved and lived.

With his families desire to share their unique corner of Malibu, their son Glen and his wife Mon-Li Gerson began creating, restoring, and building what has now become the premier special events location in Southern California.

Now, with over 130 natural acres of Malibu Wine Country, Glen and his family have continued the vision set in motion from his parents, and grandparents for over 60 years. The Gerson Family welcomes you, and your most special guests, to Calamigos Ranch. They are proud to invite you to a different time, and an all but forgotten lifestyle of quiet elegance, and unparalleled natural beauty. As the setting for your next special event, the Gerson Family shares with you over 60 years of hospitality.


Jobs available now are:


Parking Valets – Calamigos Ranch is currently looking for qualified Parking Valet Attendants

Job description includes parking direction, parking of vehicles, upon guest arrival and departure for special events. Clean driving record and weekend availability are necessary. $9/hour plus tips.

Waiters/Waitresses – Waiter- Job description includes food and beverage service for special events of up to 500 guests, interaction with guests and providing great customer service, wine/champagne service, event set up and break down, clearing plates and glassware. Experience preferred but not necessary. Weekend availability is necessary. $15/hour base.

Bartenders – Bartender- beer/wine/champagne, full liquor bar, premium bar. Job description includes set up and break down of your bar, pouring drinks for special events of up to 500 guests, interaction with guests and providing great customer service, keeping a clean and organized bar. Basic POS system knowledge, experience and weekend availability are necessary. $15/hour plus tips.


Click Here To View And Apply To All Of Calamigos’ Available Positions!

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