Military Headline News: Hagel Vote, Killer Drone Program


Military Headline News


* We should find out this week if Chuck Hagel will become the next secretary of defense.

Republicans holding up the nomination now say they’ll likely allow a vote.

Partisan critics label the decorated Vietnam war veteran and former Republican senator a “radical” and unqualified to lead the U.S. military.

* The Obama administration is considering transferring more of its covert drone program from the CIA to the Pentagon. Pressure is mounting to cut the secrecy surrounding targeted killings overseas.

Whether the Pentagon would be more transparent than the CIA remains to be seen.

* The hunt for dozens of World War II British fighters in Myanmar has came up empty.

A video-gaming company had sponsored the search for more than 100 Spitfires. The planes were believed buried as the British left the country formerly known Burma after the war. None, however, were found.

* Congressional legislation proposes historic changes to the sea services. A House bill would rename the Navy Department the Department of the Navy and Marine Corps.
Rick Rogers, Military Headline News

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