25 have graduated from Jefferson County Veterans Court in past two years



By Kent Faulk

Since Jefferson County District Court Judge O.L. Pete Johnson came out of retirement two years ago to start Veterans Court more than two dozen veterans facing criminal charges, and who have drug or mental problems, have graduated from the program.

The most satisfying part of Veterans Court, Johnson says, “has been all the veterans who have embraced treatment and the help we have been able to get them as they have struggled to get their lives back in order.”

“If it had only worked for one veteran it would have been a success, but it has worked for many … It is working all over the country,” Johnson said.

Johnson, however, said he will be stepping back from presiding over the court after next week’s session because he’s “ready to slow down.”hire vets

Jefferson County Circuit Judge Laura Petro will take over as presiding judge for Veterans Court. Johnson and Jefferson County Circuit Judge Stephen Wallace will serve as back up for Petro.

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