New veterans’ court prepares to open


veterans-court (1) By Lauren Lindstrom

A dedicated docket for veterans will begin in Toledo Municipal Court early next year, aimed at connecting justice-involved veterans with treatment to avoid incarceration.

The court’s goal is to intervene and address underlying issues for veterans, charged with misdemeanors, who are deemed a high risk to reoffend, often because of mental health or substance abuse issues. Post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries also may be contributing factors.

To qualify for the court, veterans must plead guilty or no contest. It’s a partnership among the court, probation officers, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, which provides the treatment for the program. Judge William Connelly will preside over the court.

The program will begin a “soft launch” next month, with the first day in court slated for Jan. 16. Organizers are determining who will be the first participants, reaching out to police and corrections officials to identify veterans who might qualify.hire vets

When it’s up and running, the court will meet a minimum of twice a month. Judge Connelly said the goal is to not exceed 65 active participants in 2014 as organizers fine-tune the program.

The first dedicated veterans docket began in 2008 in Buffalo, with Judge Robert Russell, who noted veterans coming before his court with problems stemming from a difficult readjustment to civilian life. Since then, veterans’ courts have developed all over the country.

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