George Galloway Vs Ill Informed Audience Member


George Galloway on the late late show in Ireland. Wide ranging interview concerning Iraq, Cuba,war crimes, reality TV and democracy.


Published on Jul 17, 2013



George Galloway: Dogs of War Slaver over Syria, Powder keg

Abby Martin speaks with UK Parliament Member, George Galloway, about Syria war propaganda and his upcoming film ‘The Killing of Tony Blair’.

Published on Sep 6, 2013


‘Democratic revolt’ in British Parliament


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  1. George Galloway is the most outstanding statesman in the world today.

    He could easily be elected to the Presidency of the United States….even without a valid USA birth certificate. In fact, the American People would welcome him as a brother.
    He is without doubt the most rational voice heard today around the world.

    It is time for a regime change – not only in Israel and Washington, DC – who are in fact both sides of the same ass – but in England as well.
    Here in the USA we need to regain freedom of speech from the Jewish Zionist Regime that has ruled the United States since their assassination of JFK – that has overthrown the US Government and established an Israeli occupied Police State.

    You are a brilliant example of an honorable man unafraid to speak the truth.
    Good to see your video interview up on the website.

    Your interview is an inspiration to The American Patriot Rebellion, Mr. Galloway.

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