Military Headline News: Marines on Women, Korean War Vets Gets Silver Star





* About 17 percent of the male Marines surveyed said they would quit the Corps if women filled combat roles.


That number jumped to 22 percent if women are involuntarily posted to those jobs.

One of their top concerns is being falsely accused of sexual harassment.

More than 50,000 Marines took the survey.

* A Fort Hood soldier used a pistol in an effort to scare his friend out of hiccups. He ended up fatally shooting him instead.

Spc. Patrick Myers pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter in the death of Pfc. Isaac Young in September.

Myers was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in military prison.

* High school students in Washington state are getting credit for helping a Korean War veteran receive a medal 60 years after the fact.

Bill Wuorinen got his Silver Star decades after risking his life to save a wounded officer in March 1953.

The students researched the Wuroinen’s actions then championed his cause.

Rick Rogers, Military Headline News.

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